Today, I'm sorta emo. 'Cause of various reasons.
I blogged on paper to sort things out 'cause my head is so clouded with misery it hurts.
Here it is:

Gahh.... today is such a lousy day...

1. Alice borrowed my library card to borrow a book from the library.

37 days from then, librarians came to me and say if I don't return the book tomorrow, I shall not get my PMR results.

I was so shocked.

I can finish a Sophie Kinsella novel in one day.
So how can a book with similar thickness not be finished within the week??

Gawwsh... I feel like taking my kitchen knife to her house, hold it to her throat and scream in her face.

Hahah. Nah.. due to my sorta blur and mild state of mind today, I don't really feel so viciously cruel.

I'm just gonna call her up, speak to her, calmly and sternly.

Also, I will never ever lend her my library card or anything else ever again.

2. My brain is feeling very weird day by day.
I forget stuff,
replace words that was meant to be with other words that holds completely different meaning,
walk to the right when I'm supposed to go left...

There's a lot more but I could not remember.
See? The system of my brain has gone haywire!

3. All I can think about now is
- Doodle, doodle, DOODLE
- Angels, angels, ANGELS.

I don't mind being a bit too happy about The Angels .. But doodling?
How in the world is doodling important now??

4. I'm on an emotional roller coaster today.

I started out hyper.
Somehow became emo.
Then, laughing for no reason.
Emo again.
More emo right after 'cause of the library card thing...

Return my hyperness to me!!
Or is my mind too tired to handle that today?

5. PMR
I'm thinking most of my problems are 'cause of that.

*Just then, Jun Kit called my name and asked if I was okay.*

LOL. Jun Kit just suggested that I bitch-slap Alice to solve my problem.

Hahahhah!! All of a sudden, I'm feeling like bitching around again.

Lol. Lol! John just said: *something I better not tell you* in Chinese.
It was hilarious!

Gosh! Feeling so much better now!

I heart my friends so much!

Rock on guys!



It's amazing what a crap session,
some laughs with friends
can do to bring back my usual never-tire craziness.

Gosh, maybe that's just what I need to kick me back to high gear!

Crap sessions = refueling.

Awesome! I just figured out what to do when I'm truly emo.

(By truly emo,
I don't mean every time I say :"I'm emo".
That's a complete fake-out emo.
It's when I don't say it,
I am emo.)


Lol. Lol!
It was Math lesson, and I found that there's a hole in my shirt (on my left shoulder).
So, I told Yeong Teng about it.

Guess what?
She brought needle and string to school!!

(It's 'cause one morning she found her baju kurung's pin loose
so she sewed it back on.
But she was afraid it would fall again
so she brought needle and string to school just in case.)

She said she'll help me sew it back on in the toilet during recess
but I insisted on her helping me sew it on then and there 'cause I felt uncomfortable.

So, she sew my shirt for me.

The end product wasn't neat 'cause she and I kept laughing as she sew.
(It was mostly my fault.XD)

Thanks Yeong Teng!!
Heart ya!

-and everyone else too!! X)

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