Weeeeeeee!!!! I got straaaaiiii8 A's!!

My mum said she cried when I called to say I got my 8 A's. I was tempted to ask her: "Did I really suck that bad academically till you have to cry for my 8 A's is a miracle?"
But. I didn't. 'Cause I know, compared to what I was when I was in primary, I sucked. Big time. Even for PMR, I picked back maybe just a lil' less than half of my.. "umph". Only.

Oh my gosh. I can still remember how I felt when I saw Pn. Shirley carried Finnix's result to the table. I was crossing my fingers and begging teacher to give me my result even though I really felt against it. And it was Finnix's result! I was that nervous.

When Pn. Myrna finally came with the stack of results that included mine, I ran forth and asked for mine.
Unfortunately, a few of the guys cut my line(Fine. Zechary was there first. Then Wen Jie cut my line).
Teacher gave him the results, ignoring my continuous shouts of: "Ladies first! Ladies first!" Still, I got it after Wen Jie.

I searched for my Oral Test certificate and signed, my hand shaking so badly my signature was a bundle of lines.
Teacher handed me my result slip and I was like "Oh my God"(what else would I be like?) I signed again, steadier this time 'cause I paused to breathe. *Phew* I ran to Cheryl, Rachel and some other girls(sorry I don't really remember.. I was overwhelmed) and I said "Straight A's" and we screamed really, really loudly.
Hahahhahah!! Lots of people stared but I don't give a damn(sorry, Cheryl *sheepish look*)!
Gosh... I love recapturing that moment so much. I can play it in my head over and over and over again and never, ever get bored.

Anyway.. I got them all! And I'm gonna get a Labrador puppy(no, Jun Kit, I will never get a Pomeranian)! WEEEEEEEEE(again)!! *sigh* I'm kinda tired of weeeeee-ing so signing off!

Love, zeeeeeee =D

p.s: Hey. Everyone's got a right to brag. And I don't do that too much. So.. why not now?
I wanted to post bout my birthday.
Unfortunately I haven't been able to 'cause my brothers(shoots deathly glare at brothers) is using the laptop wayyy too often.

Anyway.. what have I been up to?

I went to my dad's cousin's house to learn Photoshop..

Attended two weddings and got drunk on the December 7th wedding.
(Yeah! I got drunk for the first time on my Birthday!
I giggled SO much everyone stared and laughed at me.
Which was really... bad but I couldn't stop! Too high. XD)

Went to Penang.

Travelled Singapore. Finally.
(Been there dozens of times but never really travelled it.)

Ooh! I went on Singapore Flyer two days before one of it's engines caught fire! I was so lucky! Hope I am just as lucky on the 30th. XD

Took a nice picture of a butterfly in Butterfly Park, Sentosa Island.
(Jun Kit's is better. But I like mine a lot 'cause I took it with a lousy camera. XD)

Met Ying Yi(a.k.a Yo-yo), my cousin(indirectly. She's my dad's cousin's daughter).
I owe her RM10 to get Jun Kit a Christmas present at Digital Mall.

(Was broke 'cause my mum toook away my RM200 *sobs*. Hold on. I'm still broke.)

Went to Tmn. Pertanian in Shah Alam and spoiled my Nikes.

Thank God I can fix it.

Exchanged room with my brothers.

Wished Cheryl Happy Birthday on 12th of December for fear that I will forget on the actual date. Which I did. So, Cheryl?


(Belated.. so, sorry.. I promise I'll wish you at 12 a.m of Dec 23rd next year)

I love you. Love you. LOVE YOUUUU!!!

'cause you are very 'yeng'. XD

And.. you have LOTS of love. XD

By the way.. you on for movie marathon on the 30th?? Jun Kit asked.

Oh my gosh... Realization just struck me...

PMR results are coming out...
Which means I'm finally going to know if I can get a Labrador puppy or not.
My mum says if I get straight A's I'll get one.
I want the puppy more than my 8 A's.. which is really stupid but I'm serious.

2009 is starting...
Which means.. I'm going to fight real hard from next year on till I die.
I. Am. Dead. Serious.
I want a colourful life.
I want an awesome career.
I want to be the next Donald Trump!
No, wait. I wanna be the female version of Donald Trump.
I'm serious.

Ooh! I got this joke from The Best Laid Plans by Sidney Sheldon:

Three men met a female genie.
She said she can grant each of them one wish.
The first man said: "I wish to be 25% smarter."
The genie blinked and the man said: "Hey! I feel smarter all ready!"
The second man said: "I wish to be 50% smarter."
The genie blinked and the man said: "Wow! I think I know things I never knew before!"
The third man said: "I wish to be 100% smarter."
The genie blinked and the man turned into a woman.

Hahhahahahh!!! So funny yah?
Okay.. I wanna apologize to guys.
That was really sexist but I didn't come up with that.

Anyway. Good night
(or Good Morning or Good Afternoon if you're reading it at those times).
Love, zeeeeeee =)
(Sweet Dreams)
1. Joined C4R, NiE with Jun Kit, Cheryl, John and Oom Yin for the first time and got shortlisted at school category
(though we would, actually, have won if the judges did see which they didn't).
(Yes, I haven't got over that yet.)

2. Joined Sony Living With Nature with Jun Kit and Cheryl for the first time and got a green cardboard that indicated we're the third prize winners.

3. Joined Photomarathon.

4. Went to H Factor and met Serena C(!), Pietro(!!) and Harith Iskandar(!!!)

5. Prank called! =D
my victims: Oom Yin, Qi Wen, Clarice, Jin Onn, Pearly Khoo(bro's classmate).

Lol! Let's stop for a little while the to rewind to those glorious moments.

My first three prank calls were about Toyota calling them about a Camry that's ready to be delivered to them. Oom Yin went to get her mum and we quickly hung up. Qi Wen was pretty calm Clarice thought I sounded familiar.

The prank call I did on Jin Onn was the funniest of all. I pretended to be an Indian girl married to a certain Nicholas who cheated on her. I was like,"You and that slutty girl! I hate you! I'm going back to India now!" There was more but that's all I could remember. (Script by Mr. Chang Jun Kit =D) Imagine me hysterically saying that with Indian accent and a hint of British in it, too. Yup. Lol.. I didn't even give Jin Onn a chance to speak! XD

Also, I did one with my brother's classmate, Pearly. I used the Indian accent again, pretending to call from a beauty product company. XDD She couldn't even hear me clearly!

6. Went to my first facial treatment ever.

Yup.. I went after all. My mum signed me up without me knowing and she paid. I asked why couldn't she do it for me she said the the price is for the first trial and she did it before so I had to do it. *sigh* So I did.

At first it was pleasantly ticklish. I almost smiled when she was rubbing the cleansing gel and that scrub thing on my face. In the end I frowned to keep myself from smiling(and uncontrollable giggling). But when she started squeezing and pushing at my pimples and blackheads, it hurt so badly I teared. Ouch. Also, she put (what's that?) whitening cream on my face. Whitening freaking cream! I like my tan, okay? Keep that off my face! Plus, at the end of the treatment she put on toner(what?), moisturiser(uhhm.. what?) and sun block. I've spent like half of my life in the pool(Okay.. exaggeration) without sun block. I hate the greasy feel of lotion and sun block and God-knows-what other products that feels greasy on my skin.

Ughh. Then again, I didn't refuse. I mean, I get this much outta a RM40-treatment (yes. It's that cheap 'cause it's first trial!), so let's take all I can get! Besides, I all ready rejected shoulder massage and head massage. Let's not make the (what do you call people who wash your face?)beautician's life harder, yeah?

7. Went for my first ever movie marathon!

I went with Cheryl on this one. Though Yi Lin was supposed to be there, she couldn't make it =( We watched Igor, Twilight and HSM3.

WARNING: Spoilers are in the rest of number 6. So skip this part to number 7 if you wanna be surprised when you watch the movie. Though, for HSM3, read if you like. We watched it 'cause our previous arrangement(Wild Child, Igor and Twilight) clashed times. So.. we had to watch HSM3.

Igor had the best storyline. Very original.
It's bout this Igor
(Igors are a human subspecies or something like that..
they are people with humps on their backs and are destined to be slaves of evil scientists of Malaria,
a country which lived under bright skies once upon a time
until storm clouds came to Malaria and never went away
which destroyed their corps and everything
so the king convinced the people they have to be evil to survive[how stupid is that? But. It was a good movie]
[By the way, Igors don't have names])
who loves inventing but Igors are not allowed to invent.
All they do is pull the switch when the evil scientists say, well,"Pull the switch!!"
and also get bossed around by their masters..
So. This Igor, he invented life after his master died.
(Sorta like Frankenstein but this is a female..)
She was supposed to be evil but she turned out to be a super sweet girl who plays with blind children.
Igor kept telling her,"You are eviiil!!"
But she heard it wrong and said,"I'm Eva."
Okay. You know what? I better stop before I tell you the whole story.

Hahhha, when we first entered the theatre, there were only like 3 back rows filled
(the front rows, and middle rows, were completely empty)!
And they were not full.
We saw that the seats in front of us were empty so we lifted our feet and rested them on the front seats XD.
But.. when the movie started, a whole bunch of teenagers came in.
I was oblivious but (thank God) Cheryl saw, so she nudged me and said,"Oi! People coming!"
So, I quickly put my legs back down
(half-thinking the person in front of me must be a bitch
'cause she tormented others and got punished
by having Zhi Yi put her feet on her seat).
Phew! Thank God none of them saw...
At the end of the movie, they played Pocketful Of Sunshine at the credits
so Cheryl and I screamed,"Oh my gosh!!"
('cause the song is not a typical Disney song.
And when we watched House Bunny they played popular song, too,
like When I Grow Up and Shake It)
which resulted in people in the whole theatre
(thank God only uhm.. one fifth of the theatre was filled) stared.
Twillight was.. *sigh* a bit of a let down.
The scenes I enjoyed most was Robert Pattinson's close-ups.
(What? He's hot and I'm a female.
A teenage female. What do you expect?)
It was a bit messy for a movie.. So many obvious cuts..
And the movie went wayyy too fast. A lot of parts in the book are cut out.
As for the parts that was put into the movie, lots of cut-out lines.
And lines that weren't exactly from the book.
Like when Bella went to Forks High School for the first day,
she had to hand in a slip to Mrs. Cope at the end of the day.
In the book, Bella stood there till a girl came in and Edward caught Bella's scent
and left saying,"Never mind, then. I can see that it's impossible. Thank you so much for your help,"
but in the movie, When Bella stepped in Edward straight away turned and glared at her.
Then he said,"I'll just have to bear with it, then."
Speaking of Mrs. Cope. Nope. She was not into Edward in the movie.
In fact, she only appeared once in the movie - which is in that scene I mentioned.
And there was no mean Lauren in the movie. Just Jessica and Angela.
Oh, and the movie had some funny parts, too(I shall not reveal anything),
which is good... Made up for the missing scenes.
There's only like one kissing scene at the end, in the movie.
So, yeah, for non-romantics like me, only have to stare into the empty popcorn bucket and squirm in my seat once throughout the whole movie(wait.. I didn't buy popcorn for Twilight).
Theatre was pretty darned crowded.
Lots of excited chattering before the movie start(including mine)..
Cheryl and I screamed when it was bout to start.=P
I heard someone said,"Lame," really loudly from somewhere on the left, at the back.
The chattering never did die down..
Oh, and before the movie start, I heard some girl in the row before us referred either Edward Cullen or Robert Patinson as "our husband" to her friends.
High School Musical 3.. This is the second time I watched it. This time it's more enjoyable 'cause Cheryl was there with me(last time I went with my brothers but the seats were separated so I was watching it alone) and we had better seats(this time it's the middle. The last? left corner of the theatre). Do I need to say anything bout this movie? You guys watched it, anyway.. For those who hasn't, uhmm.. the songs are better. A lot better.That's all I can say.

8. Fell in love.. with

Naww.. Not with myself!!
(As dramatic as I am, I will never say that I fell in love with myself. It sounds completely weird) With what I'm drinking in the picture! Starbucks Frappucinno! Yum! *licks lips*


Of course, M&M's(Jun Kit calls it Milk & Melamine)

9. Screamed "I hate LV bags!" behind a girl carrying a Loo-Wee Voo-Ton bag in The Gardens. Yup! I did that! And I'm darned proud of that. She turned to look at me (she wasn't glaring. That's why I'm still alive)but I just turned and talked to my dad.

10. Went to Kuantan.

Which I won't blog about.. sorry, guys.. and girls. But I just lost the excitement that I had bout the trip. The heat wore off... So even if I were to blog about it, it won't completely be there. So, no I won't blog about that.

11. Gave my brother my beloved phone that I got for my 14th birthday.

Here's the story. My brother uses this ancient phone which can't receive calls or even make calls. And now that I got third prize for Sony Living With Nature along with Cheryl and Jun Kit, I have RM250 Sony voucher with me. So I figured, why not get myself a new phone and give my brother mine. (I'm so selfless, yah? XD) So, now, my brother(now in Xiamen, China) holds my phone and I am phoneless 'cause I haven't got myself to go and get one yet.

I want a Cybershot phone! But it's pretty darned expensive.. Still, I think I'll get it!

12. Became a fighter(Not literally).

Yup. I fought with two guys this year. And they were pretty darned major. Especially fights with Jun Kit. I once received a silent treatment from him that lasted around two months. And now, so close to my birthday, I'm having another fight with him. Gahh.. This is tiring.

13. Attended my first ever funeral..

My great grandma is now gone and I missed the ceremony in Tampin on the 100th day she passed away.. Attending her funeral was a bitter memory and I have never. Ever. Known I have that many relatives. (And the guy relatives? They. Are. Hawt. [I'm not blood-related to them{Thank God XD}. My great grandma is actually my step great grandma. And those relatives are her blood-related grandchildren][Super complicated. You people won't wanna know the story. Far too long...]).

14. Did PMR.

Face it. That's one of the biggest thing this year. Correction. That's the biggest thing this year. Seriously. It's all this year is about. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that I'll get straight A's now so that I can get a puppy.*bites lower lip* Now that PMR is over, I gathered all the papers teachers gave for us to do(All but one. The B.M paper 2 which I got a 90/100 for. Gosh! So friggin proud of that I can't bring myself to throw it away. XD) and put them in the old newspaper pile at home.. Made me feel real bad that I had to use so. Many. Pieces of paper. Bad for the environment...

15. Started blogging... =)

Happy pre-b'day to me, zeeeeeee =D

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