And I was the one who killed it. 

You see, Min Xian found a bat yesterday near one of the girls' staircase.
The redaksi team brought it back to the Newsroom and put it in a pail since they can't bear letting it go as it'll die out there since its wing was torn and its still a baby!

When they all left(except Jun Kit), Pn. Shirley asked JK and I to release it.
We went to the padang but we couldn't let it go yet. Not without hearing some screams.
We scared a couple of Bluster 'olahragawati's. Their screams was really satisfying.
Then JK saw Pn. Myrna coming outta school and went to prank her. She backed off, sorta disgusted and shocked. We laughed. 
Then we decided to try it on Ms. Lok. She just look disgusted. That's all.. 

I was laughing and screaming/talking so loudly everyone was looking at me. But I didn't know.
Jun Kit told me later. Cheryl said she could hear me from the parking lot. =P

Jun Kit asked me to hang it onto a tree but it sorta climbed toward me so I screamed and dropped it on the grass. Then I started laughing at myself.

The bat started 'swimming' in the grass away from us.and it climbed over the watermelon JK put on the ground. Then JK picked it up using the sticks (used to eat watermelon) as chopsticks and dropped the little bat into the 'roof' of his 'house'.(Roof= cardboard, house=bucket).

It climbed around in there and then we saw a red ant biting its wing and it wouldn't let go!!
Jk and I was poking at the ant, trying to push it away from the bat but it was so stubborn it held on. I was panicking cause the bat looked really in pain. In all the times I've been with it, the most active it's been was 1. When the ant bit it and it's writhing in pain. And 2. When it was dying(Tell y'all later).
Jk abandoned his efforts and left, saying we should just leave it there. 
I stayed. My hand was shaking when I push poked at the ant again cause the bat looked so pained and I was sad for it. 
I managed to get it off. I can't remember how, but I did. 
And I stabbed at the (evil) red ant with the stick and finished it off. 

I've always tried not to take a life. 
Just because someone or something is smaller than you in size, or somehow different from you in appearance, knowledge and just everything
It doesn't mean its life is less significant than yours. It never is. 
But I killed a red ant that easily cause of a bat. 
So, I sorta convinced myself that I was prosecuting the ant cause it was trying to kill my bat. 
It will hold up in court, even. Attempted murder. 
So, yeah, since these are 'just animal and insect', the Malaysian High Court can't be bothered so I shall just act as one and kill the darned ant. (Actually, I think it should just be jailed for life. But I was so mad at it I killed it.)

I let it hang from the watermelon-stick and walked towards Jun Kit.
We wanted to bring it somewhere else in the bucket. But Pn. Teo appeared and I had to scram with the bucket(and the bat in it).Oh. And the cardboard roof.

I went back to the tree with the watermelon underneath, picked back the watermelons and put it into the bucket for the poor thing to eat. 
Then I was about to hang it on the tree but sudenly I saw SO many red ants on it! 
I can't possibly leave my little bat there cause it'll definitley die.
So I left it in the bucket watching it eat the watermelon while waiting for Cheryl, Rachel and Jane to join me(they were running towards me).

We talked about the bat and I told them my decision to not release it into the (not-so-)wild. But. I had no idea where to put it.
I brought it back into the lobby after PN. Teo left(turns out she got into her car, drove outta school, park it near the bus stop, and spied on the students, disguised as a waiting parent).
I placed the bucket down and sat. Mun Chun was reading beside me and he suggested to me a place to hide my bat and he went with me to put it there - under Dinamik staircase.
I was really happy at the thought of being able to keep it alive(but not for long, apparently), though not-so-well.

The next day, I came to school with a banana, wanting to give it to the bat in small pieces.
When I got there with Rachel, the bat still has a bit of watermelon left. 
(Jun Kit said it drowned in watermelon juice. 
Now that I think of it, it probably died of over-eating of watermelon.)
So I didn't give it the banana. Besides, it was too risky. 
Wouldn't it be weird if you saw a couple of girls putting pieces of banana into a bucket behind a boys' staircase? Yes. Of course.
It looked as if it wanted to climb out of the bucket but I didn't let it out just in case it gets trampled over by people. So, I left it there.

I think it died probably a little after I visited him..  
It wanted to get outta the bucket, outta the watermelon juice. 
But I left it there. 
And it died.

I unknowingly killed the bat, my yet-to-be-named second pet.

To my dearest baby bat Melon(yes. I know it's a bit late to be christening it now)(Melon cause that's the reason of its death):

I'm so sorry for killing you. 
I wanted to save you, nurse you back to health then let you fly off and have a good life. Unfortunately, you fell in the hands of the wrong person. 
I'm no vet. I've no bat-raring experience before. I didn't know how to handle you. 
And you died because I fed you watermelon. Guess I was just belating your death..
I wondered if you preferred this way of dying or to die bitten by ants. 
Then I think dying bitten by ants would have been more honourable than dying in the hands of your food. So, I apologize, yet again, for not letting you have the more honourable way out. 

I solemnly swear to you, the next bat I find shall not go anywhere near a watermelon. Ever.

With love, Zhi Yi. 
Oh. Blaaahhh. I'm not showing off. Just feeling proud of myself. *grins widely*
I'm disappointed in my ICT though.. Expected better. But, geez.. Nevermind, I guess.

I'm going to wear the 47bucks-pyjama today to reward myself. Hahahah!! 

Owh. And I just realized.. Hang on, what did I realize? Sh*t. Hate it when this happens.

Nevermind. Let's move on!

(I see a lot of people using 'Lawl' instead of 'LOL'. Just trying it out. Haha.)
(Maybe I should just stick to 'haha'.)
I'm not going to be called a cow tomorrow!! Weeeeeee! LOL.

Oh yahh.. My dad came back from China! 
He bought an iPhone and an N83. 
And they cost 200 Ringgit each. MY GAWD, right?? 
But I have this hatred for China products so, yeahh... Even if my dad do offer to give me one, I won't take it.

Dad bought a GPS, too. For mum. To help her when she parks her car. She always has this phobia of car-parking. I have no idea why.

Oohh!! And we have DVDs to watch, too! 
Say hi to:
Seven Pounds,
Inkheart *SCREAMS*,
High School Musical 3 (blah) 
Twilight! (It's extended. So I'm sorta looking forward to watching that)

There are two other DVDs. Of uhhm.. Concerts.
Chinese artists'. So.. Not all that craazyyy bout it.

Owh, and today Andrew taught me how to fold a rose again. Turns out I forgot everything. Teehee! =P THANKS, ANDREW.

Speaking of Andrew. During Chem today, I had a teeny period of sex ed. 
It started out.. okay.. By okay, I mean I could handle it.
Then it got seriously. I don't know how to put it... Maybe... Outta hand? 
TMI(too much info) in too little time. So I had to leave to breathe some cleaner air.
Yep. Never rush sex ed. 

Speaking of CHEM! Too bad for Mr. Chang JK he wasn't in class to see this! 
Justin pulled the handle thingy of the "emergency shower" and the water came pouring down. LOL. 
Cik Norfazila was like,"Ah! Cantik!" 
And Ken Yue was saying,"It's my dream come true, man!" 
Lol. Lol. LOL. SO fun.

I did my Oral test today, too. Blaaahhhh. It was DISASTROUS. But. goshh. At least I got it over with. Jane said she and Andrew were laughing their heads off because I kept saying,'Yah.' 
Funny. I didn't even realize that.

Okay. Gotta go!
With love and recently dubbed, by Jane, "The Walking Energy",
zeeeeeee =D
I went for a swim today. After soooooooo laaawwwwng.
Feeling super fat. Haha.
After that, my brothers begged my mum to take them shopping at Sunway Pyramid since they're really tired of sitting home and doing nothing(okay. Fine. I begged too).
Mum agreed even though she's super tired 'cause she wants to go to La Senza to buy this pair of pyjamas she saw that day(I dunno which day).

So, mum parked her car at Sunway Constructions and we walked to Pyramid through Sunway Hotel and Spa. 
Then, she made my brothers wait outside while we went pyjama-shopping in La Senza.
The pyjamas there looked really great(better than my old ones, anyway.
[Mine is always made by my grandma's best friend, whose daughter is an ex of my uncle]).
I didn't really see the point in spending so much on something you wear but no one is gonna see. 
But. My mum was pulling things off the shelves and was super enthusiastic about the whole thing. 
I hate to disappoint her cause she's hardly in a good mood and never in shopping-mood(except during CNY and Christmas). So.. I tried on a few pairs to humour her. 
In the end, she bought me a pair of pyjamas and a pair of pants. (Curse you, zy. Never should have tried anything on) 

When we're done, we had a hard time figuring out what to have for dinner. My mum went to Nose(dunno how that helps in deciding what to eat) while my bros went to Sea Ya, this little convention with little aquariums and cool little fish(I do realize I used 'little' three times, people). 

After satisfying herself in Nose, just staring around at shoes, my mum went on to Women's Secret. I went in, too, marching around the tiny store with the La Senza paper bag in hand. The shop keeper stared at me, looking as if she'll rip off the bag.(Kidding bout that last remark. Hehe.)

Finally, we decided to eat at Jusco. Yes, very pathetic of us.
My brother ordered Nga Pou Yee Mee(try reading that in Cantonese) and I ordered Spaghetti Bolognese  + Fish and Chips with Fried Rice for my mum, other bro and I.
The Yee Mee was horribly oily. The whole darned bowl of soup looked as if they were sprinkled with glitter. 
The Spaghetti. Ugh. The spaghetti was cooked at least... But the Bolognese part was *throws up*.
The Fish and Chips was the most edible food on the table but I hated it due to childhood phobia. yeahhh.. 

Or.. maybe. I'm just being a teenager.

I do realize that I was supposed to dedicate my time to homework this holiday. 
I even announced to the world that I would, referring to previous posts. 
However, I did not. Dedicate much of my time on homework. After one week, the only homework I've "completed" is 
my IT  folio(yet to be printed), 
my IT presentation(?)(Jun Kit did it for me since we're in a group..) 
and searched for the material for BM Oral test. (How do you spell "oral"? O.r.a.l? Or a.u.r.a.l?

Well. Where did the rest of my time go to?
1. Watching the Biggest Loser on Hallmark channel.
2. Watching The Nanny, also, on Hallmark channel.
3. Watching Oprah on Hallmark channel.
4. Playing Pet Society
5. Cursing my brothers for drawing on my mirror with the Artline marker they just bought.
6. Took "drawing on the mirror" to another level by going into the master bedroom's bathroom, where there's glass surrounding the shower area, and drawing funny faces on it while one of my brothers stand behind the glass.[Didn't get to photograph 'the experience' cause my maid came into the bathroom a bit after Jun Kit called (to spoil the fun) and scolded us for spraying water at each other. (Yes we ended up grabbing pipes and spraying water at each other and got super wet.)]
7. Oh. And I spent the day at Jun Kit's crapping the day away. Which was fun.
8. Chatting online.
9. Reading the Chinese newspaper.(Yes. I was that bored)
10. Sleeping.
11. Reading.
12. Eating.
13. Worrying about my weight after a snack.
14. Deciding I don't care and went on eating.
15. Dreaming(?)(I don't know if I had nightmares)
16. Playing Sudoku(skills are getting rusty..)
17. Blogging.
18. Plurking.
19. Visiting all the dogs in the neighbourhood 
20. Got barked at by a Chow Chow who refused to let me touch it.
21. Got bitten by Chloe, the Golden, but it didn't hurt one bit.
22. Petted a Rottweiler.(It was really hostile)
23. Downloaded AbiWord outta curiosity. Turns out it's just about the same as Microsoft Office Word.
24. Got outcasted by all the "neighbourhood kids" cause I insulted them. Can't say I deserved it cause they were being mean to my brother. 
One of the chics, Nicole, deliberately scratched my brother's neck
(she learns guitar so she don't cut her finger nails) 
cause my bro said she has a crush on Victor, 
my  next-door neighbour(a.k.a major exam flunk-er [let's hope he never reads this] - he gets straight C's in PMR), 
which was true but she got embarrassed and angered. 
So, She scratched my bro.(Bitch)

I don't think I can think of anything else. So, there.

Signing off, zeeeeeee
 P.s: Andrew: I forgot how to fold the rose. One part of it, anyway.. So, yeah, please teach me on Monday. Thanks!
Okay. You would think by now I'd have tonnes of scars, but no. 
(I think I seriously should stop using the term "scratch") 
Let's start. 

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness.

1. I love M&M's
2. I love Hugh Jackman.
3. I love STARBUCKS!
4. I love Galaxie mag.
5. I love Lady Gaga. But. Sometimes she creeps me out.
6. I can't jump.(refer to Jun Kit's blog for more deets[details])
7. I've been using deets instead of details ever since I read that Jeffrey Deaver book.
8. I'm what a Chinese will call a 'pail'. I drink TONNES of water. Like. Non-stop. Especially during exams.
9. I love anything Western. My mum calls me an 'ang moh kia'. Translation: Western child.
10. Yi Lin and I talked about sexy nerds..?(What? It's random and it's weird. So. There.)
12. My brothers hate my singing. Hahhaha!! It's the honest truth, though.
13. It makes my skin crawl to look at myself in photos.
14. I hate my braces. The inside of my mouth is covered with scars from the braces. You don't wanna see'em.
15. I'm super hyper. Especially when I'm on coffee. But. I'm not. I'm now on Milo.
16. I can't believe I actually did my homework.

1. 5 things you love the most:
- mah Phone.
- Family laptop
- mah Wallet.
- mah Watch.
- mah Sony Living with Nature shirt 
- mah Message tone.(It's a gong sound. Hahah)
(yes. I do realize there's 7. but do I look like I care?
[hang on. You can't see me. Oh well..])

2. 5 Things you hate the most:
- Dehydration.
- Girls who have zero self-respect. Harshly-speaking, sluts.

3. 5 things beside you:
- The Last Silk Dress(a book by Ann Rinaldi)
- Laptop.
- My brother holding my phone.
- Bottle.
- Pillows.

4. 5 babes you love the most:
- YI LIN!!
- Jun Kit..? (Is he a babe?)
- (just in case he isn't) MEEEEEEE!! =P

tags: Yi Lin : Oom Yin
yin o
Lucy(the devil,jkjk =p) kinda warned us to treat exams seriously.
You gave us so much stress for what??
See,now,lots of us don't wanna take exams already(use your bloody brain to think laa,stress,stress,stress,no one wanna take exams now!)
Benny kinda taught me how to sign stories & complained I'm hard to teach.
Haha...actually I'm shy to do all these in public which required huge actions.
Sorry =(
I'll be oblivious to the world around next time.
Damn you,never teach us how to do environmental observation also,how to pass exams??
Deaf events,I cannot recall anything,S.O.S!!!
Sorry for the ranting above,stress laa =(

yin o
I don't know what am I doing these few days.Totally blur of it,cannot recall anything,my mind is utterly blank!I ought to remember something,I shouln't behave like an amnesia patient right??So,after a hard time recalling,here are the results:

Monday-Went for blood test.I'm suspecting that I'm having health problem,hopefully everthing will be okay.Suppose to take the health report today(Thursday) but i need time to be mentally prepared.Probably going to hospital tomorrow,pray for me!

Tuesday-I remember Tuesday the most 'cause I embarrased myself A LOT!!Can you believe it,I was freaking blur,clumsy and......STUPID!Went to KL Library with Benny and Chu Teng but she spent about 2 hours with us only.
Interesting event #1:I actually took the library pass home!!!Moreover,I forgot to record the time I left the library.Actually seriously honestly I remember but the receptionist said something to Benny,after interpreting I forgot,LOL xD
#2:When we arrived LRT station at Pasar Seni, I wonder what kind of energy,spirit,maybe just stimulus sent nerve impulses to my brain,I walked towards the guard & asked him about KTM(WTF??!)He thought my ticket has problem,haha,I apologised & quickly returned LRT ticket to the machine.
#3:Great,Beny almost went out of sight when we(without Chu teng) were walking on streets in KL.I know the speed he walks is like rocket but i can't due to the problem of my feet in new shoes(size of my feet is imbalance,hard to buy shoes).I paused,almost cried,bloody worried and scared.asked myself which way he probably followed(go straight/right?) and yes!Saw him(lucky!!)That guy just walked only,never see what happened to me also(hmph!).I think he'll be blur if I really got kidnapped(since he always walk in front of me,what's the odd?)
#4:I dropped my LRT ticket at the escalator & it was about to be sucked in!!My pulse going to burst,with a bit of resilience,I stopped staring at it & squatted,picked up the ticket sucessfully but oOps!A malay girl behind saw everything ,sorry,I startled her xD Once again.Benny didn't know the incident happened & concentrated on his newspaper until I told him(OMG!)
#5:Yes,this is about LRT again.I expected the machine to return the ticket again when I arrived KL Central,hahahahahaha...Goshh,I think Benny saw that *embarassing* (I hate myself) I had bad experiences with LRT,LOL xD

Oh well,Benny might be Chu Teng's first Deaf friend(congratz,girl!)(thanks to me!haha =p) She told me soemthing when we were in elevator.

You&Benny looked like you all know each other for a long time.
No laa,both of you are my new friends ^^
Ohh...eh i don't understand what Beny signed justnow.
Is it?haha..slowly you can catch up.I were you last time too and getting better now(i wonder if he signed slowly that day or my receptive skills improved?)
You're different,'cause you're the best student in our MySL class.I wanna tell Benny you're funny and naughty justnow but forgot what signs.You laa..don't wanna help me to tell him!!
What??I asked you here to improve your sign ok?No laa..I'm stupid in signing,I've more to learn..
You better be careful later,PRINCESS,I gtg.
Ok!Benny's with me,I think it should be okay.Bye!

Wednesday-Went to orphanage with friends for moral project.LOL!I taught the kids improper stuffs xD

yin o
Sick laa,I know he capital-lettered my name in his "friend" box but I think it's by accident?Maybe he pressed "caps lock" accidently or uhh....something else?

You don't try to scare him away,I WARN YOU(ahahaha,do i sound serious?) 'cause he helped me very much in assignments.

And about the comments people posted in his blog,just misunderstading??

kisses from,
yin xD
Go to Benny's blog!! He capital-lettered your name in the "friend" box!

Oh and although I don't understand much of what he was trying to say
(no offense, Benny, if you're reading this), I definitely understood this:
(copy-and-pasted from Benny's blog)

MikaShu said...

lolxxx ... Ur gf ar ? Haha .. xD

sarahmustaffa said...

i see u r in love, do u? lol

good luck for u both... :P

Oh. And look at this:
One days i will meet her again...


Lots of love, zeeeeeee =D

P.S: Kiddin'! Teehee! 

LOVED the movie. Watch it yourself. 
Hahaha. Too lazy to summarize the whole thing.

I fought hard for the tickets, I tell you!

I lined up 45 minutes before the movie starts to buy the uncollected booked ticket.
Unfortunately, the guy at the counter said:"The tickets are only released 30 minutes before the show."
So. I told him that I would wait at the side of the counter till the tickets are released and for sale. And he said he'll call me over to get them.
At 9, he still hasn't called me over. (The movie starts at 9.20p.m.)
In the end, I walked toward him as if I had been waiting in line. 
He didn't friggin' recognize me!
I saw the next people in line throwing daggers at me. 
Worse thing was, they were foreigners. I was smearing my country's name!(Told you I fought hard for the tickets.)
But. I didn't care. 
It isn't really my fault anyway. That guy promised I can cut in.
So yeahh... Anyway.
I got the tickets!
(Cheryl!! The theartre was like the theatre we watched Igor in! Except. This is crowded. That wasn't. And I didn't get to scream at the screen when it the movie came to an end.)

Ooh!! By the way, I loved yesterday!
I just got off Jun Kit's blog, reading bout yesterday and I laughed like mad as I got the flashbacks. It was SO hilarious.
Especially when JK and Cher decided to role-play as my parents when they come to pick me up after tuition.

Me: Pa, where's your car?
JK: Papa got new car! Later I show you! 
*changes his mind*
No lar. Papa environmentally-friendly. Go green! Walk!

Then it got really weird(but hilarious) when JK and Cher started to compliment each other, saying their hot, that's why they "fell in love" and "got married". Hahah.

We had lunch at Old Town after we walked all around Taipan and finally made up our minds. 

Cher and JK said since I'm "their only daughter" I can get anything I want. 
Then in Old Town they changed their minds and said I should pay for the food 'cause "Everytime also mummy, daddy pay for you 1. This time you pay."
It was pretty silly. 

Then we went off to take photos for the Big Challenge registration.
There was a lot of jumping and umbrellas involved. And also a yellow caterpillar on the camera's 'Delete' button. Hahah. 
Oh. And I broke the was-going-to-come-off-anyway umbrella handle. 

Oops! Sorry JK! I hope your parents are not mad at me. But your house seriously have a lot of umbrellas weih. Hahah.

Anyway... To see the pics, go to Jk's blog. My personal fav is the one which I covered my face with the cowboy hat and Cheryl was acting like a kid behind me. Hahaha.

Come to think about it, all my fav shots are always me covering up my face. LOL

Sorry lar, y'all(JK and Cher) but seriously, I hate looking at myself in a picture. 'Cause I have a lot of pimples and blackheads on my face, I think. Hahahah!!! I don't know. But it just feels horribly weird to see me in a pic.

Gotta go! 
So byeeeee and 
xoxo (XD)

zeeeeeee =)
yin o
Yess,although my results kinda can throw it to the drain as a thrash but NO,I'm not going to be depressed or emo-ed.
Come on,think positive!think!!think!!
I'll never get full marks although I'm the most depressed girl in the world right?
(Not cheating myself,thinking positive =])
When those poor marks ran through my mind I feel giddy,
but no more now,NO MORE,
I asked myself to be strong and tough or maybe bullet proof?
nothing can bring me down just like this,(not even a gun?)
I'm warning you,EXAMS RESULTS,YOU CANNOT KILL ME(muahahahahahahahaha!)
Okay,yeahh,I know my evil laughs sound shitty but yes,YOU CANNOT BRING ME DOWN!!
Not if I'm going to drink the whole bottle of Listerin in order to commit suicide..

Let's think of something happy since it's holidays,people!!WoohooOooo!! =)
So,saturday...which is today...i'm still awake at this time(about 4a.m now)
Uhh...plan?Go watch Sex Drive?
Just a dream,I'm not going to watch any movie =(
Might go to shop(i need a new watch and shoes desperately)
YMCA?(i hate taking bus laa,i know i'm behaving like a princess but taking bus ALONE,strangers all around you is not scary but boring,hope that my friend will be back very soon so that she can ferry me up and down,hahahahaha)
Swimming?(Look at me,i'm growing fatter,did you notice?Oh?you don't?Because I still look slim and thin?*perasan*)
After that,go to basketball court?(go there for what?don't know == what laa you,OY)

Anyway,happy holidays to all my friends!!

Clarice said I didn't cause it's a B and a C but there's no failing..
Still.. It feels as if I flunked cause it's not what I wanted and expected.

I originally wanted to post my result and then shame myself into doing better the next time..
But.. nahh.. Hahaha! I have forgiven myself and so I will not do scuh a thing. LOL.
(Maybe it's cause I'm so forgiving that I'm so lazy..)

Weeee!! Holidays is coming soon!
I hope I'm getting a spankin' new Lumix LX-3 just as soon, too(or sooner. Which is utterly impossible)
I think the orphanage trip is off. Yeahh.. it is. Zero time to organize the trip.
Let's see what I have to do during the holidays..
1. Prepare for Malay Oral Test.
2. Prepare IT presentation
3. IT essay(at least I think it's an essay)
4,5,6 &7. Chinese essays. (Yes. There's four of them.)
8. I'm sure there's more. BUt I've gotta check back to see what they are.

Okay. Just a short post today. Gotta get going.

Love, zeeeeeee =)
yin o
Okay,right..where to start??
(After 15 mins)
(After 1 hour)
Ooohh..!!Okay,we(me and Christine) took KTM to Mid Valley.
This is the first time I sit(stand actually) KTM in my life!!
Met Benny at Mc Donald,I know he's the one when he passed by(since I kinda forgot how he looks like after 1 month not seeing him) and I told Christine.

It's him,it's him!!
Coming,your left hand side,black shirt.
Ohh,are you sure?
Then?Say hi to him laa,why are you waiting??
Shy laaa =(
Huh?I thought you're never shy?
You think only,I'M SHY NOW.
Quick,he's staring at you!
Right?(Don't know what to do)
Is it him?But he's staring at you.
Yea,it's him..Uhh..(don't dare to turn my face around)

Finally,I turned my face around and asked him whether he's Benny so yes,there he's,super tall(he's taller than me),thin(thinner than me?),hot(?),handsome(more handsome than Jay Chou) and......fair(at least he's fairer than me?) HAHAHA..oh!and he looks funny and cute when he kinda taught me about facial expressions.

So,we headed to the food court and......eat laa!If not go there to dance?? xD

Benny can sign in a speed of lightning but i cannot get what he said in a speed of rocket =(
So,what to do?I frowned and frowned and frowned(I think I've wrinkles now,SHIT,wrinkles??)
He got so frustrated and write it down,maybe I annoyed him pretty much.
This is the first time I feel myself so stupid and depressed =(
Yeahh,miscommunicate for billion of times(he understand what I sign but I don't understand his)

After all the conversations,we've to go back already,so fast right?Christine and her friend have to go KLCC so Benny and I went YMCA for self-defence class.We had a lot of fun there,I asked Master Lee many questions since there's a chance for me to speak up(I spoke so little when I'm with Benny).Master Lee kept staring at me(I know I asked too many questions),I even asked him to teach us laughing therapy!!(You know how long I can laugh in school right?I'm an expert.)

The best part is my parents allow me to skip swimming,HAHAHAHAHA =)
Approximately 5.15p.m,I've to take bus home(sad laa,I want my dad!) and Benny accompanied me to wait for bus(he's so caring) but I asked him to go home first,I'm able to wait alone(I always do) and he really left me!(see!!he's not caring anymore!!!HMPH!)

Oh ya,I made new friends in self-defence class which is a group of MySL basic course students and I'm their SENIOR xD Samuel(the interpreter) said I'm their senior which is very young(15++old) and clever(??).They asked me a few simple questions and the problems they face(ehh poeple,take it easy laa,MySL is hard but fun)

Conclusion of the day:
  • I'm happy!(although my facial expression don't really shows)
  • I feel stupid(Unable to convey the right message)


  • Never take picture of him(not even one!i think i'll forget how he looks like)
  • I forgot to do environmental observation in Mid Valley(actually I remember but have no time?)

First time:

  • frowned so much in my life
  • take KTM(it looks like as if it's going to break down at anytime)
  • miscommunicate for so many bloody times
  • interview a Deaf BOY(i'll called him a MAN next year)
  • join self-defence class
  • uhh...a boy accompanied me to wait for bus?
  • hmmm...a boy teaches me alot of signs(but I forgot now,just remeber some,oops!)

I shall leave the rest of the informations of the day and his to myself(am I selfish?)

PS Zeeeeeee:Enough info,right?Ask me if you wanna know more,I'm lazy to type xD



I've been staring at this empty blog post for ages wanting to blog but not knowing what to blog bout.
'Cause.. I was multi-tasking. I couldn't focus.
I was chatting with Jun Kit.. Still is..
Reading blogs...
Being bombarded by videos from Jun Kit..
Watching videos bombarded by Jun Kit..

So. The videos. All of them had Hugh Jackman. Hugh Jackman. HUGH JACKMAN.
And Hugh Jackman is SO hilarious. Hilarious. HILARIOUS.
And he can so frigging sing.

Jun Kit!! It's all your fault I am now in love with Hugh Jackman.

Omgoshh!! Anne Hathaway can frigging sing, too.
It's not fair!! LOL.
But. Honestly. Why is it that some people gets everything??
She has the looks. She has the fame. She has the cash.
Now. She has the voice??
I'm depressed.

Great. Jun Kit just went offline. And he didn't even say goodnight or bye.
Oh. And.. CONGRATS!! On producing your super duper awesome photoshop work.
I love it. hahaha!!

Funny how teens always say their brains work better at night.. But mine isn't working quite properly.
In fact. I feel stuck.

And I think I really am depressed.
Me and my bookless life.
LOL. I know I'm a nerd. Stop telling me.

Recently, I mean just now, I fell for another song. Introduced by Jun Kit. Yet again.
FASHION (fashion) Put it all on me!
The song title is Fashion by LADY GAGA. It's on the soundtrack of Confessions of the Shopaholic.

I was just watching the results of the All England Badminton thingy(told ya I was multi-tasking).
Sad.. Lee Chong Wei lost to Lin Dan again.
And I just found out badminton players from China are very arrogant. When they shake hands with their fans, they nod but they don't smile. Which kinda give me the message that they aren't really happy with hanging out with fans.
And they sign only a couple of authographs. So sad larr. Sign at least ten mahh.

Okay then. I wanna sleep. Done with my randomly whatever-comes-to-mind blog post.

Oh yeahh.. I wanna watch Marley and Me!! And Slumdog Millionaire. Tsk! Jun Kit gets to watch one of them tomorrow. I wanna go too!! But. Since it's his dad's birthday, it's a family thing so I can't butt in. So, there.
To Jun Kit: Blog it!

Good night!
With love, zeeeeeee
yin o
I sounded rather DESPERATE,right??(I know I'm)
Okay okay,yes,a DATE.
Excuse me laa,he's my interviewee but anyway I'm going treat it like making a new friend instead of a formal and serious interview(You know I hate formal and serious stuffs right?)
Ohhhhh..he's not really an American,zeeeeeeeee(you pro-America!)

So...It's 5 something in the morning now and I'm awake,what do this mean?
(Ehh,people,have a guess?)
(You don't know??)
(Don't need more time to think??)
(Or...you know what's the reason?)
(Are you prepared for the answer?)

LOL *laughs*
(laugh again in front of laptop,wth?!)
I'll never wear SLUTTILY(can I wear seductively?)
Zeeeeeee kinda warn me but yeahh,thanks very much!!
Why do I feel excited?
Not if I'm going to present him with drool and sloppy kisses right?(don't talk nonsense,OY)
HEY!!!!It's International Woman's Day today!!!
In fact,he should give me present ==

By the way I haven't pick any outfits yet(NO SLUTTY CLOTHES)

Hope my sign language wouldn't be 'memalukan' today(my MySL teacher always says jangan memalukan saya==)
Okay,I'm worried rather than excited now..=(

PS:I'm not lala okay?I just camwhored,LOL.Call me CUTE instead of lala =)


Really loudly beside me, which gave me a jump once when he stops to cough, 
I'm here in the living room, editing my blog layout.

I have to say I'm pretty darned happy with this template even though I originally wanted a three-column layout. 'Cause.. In the least. It's a change. 

Yup. Gone was my "Drama". 
(Though Oom Yin coming back to blogging is kinda bringing it back but I think.. She brings more lala-ness than drama in the couple of recent posts she did.)
(No offense, OY, but it was... shocking. For me anyway.)
(Oh and.. All the best-EST on your date(I almost spelt that 'dead' instead!) with the deaf-but-hot (American) guy tomorrow! I mean.. Today.)
And in comes.. Change.
I know you guys are thinking: "Finally." 
'Cause, well, that's what I'm thinking.
It feels like fresh air.
*Inhale* *Exhale*
Feels awesome.

So anyway.. I'll be putting in a new music playlist. Soon. 
I'm hoping right after I'm done with this I-changed-my-template-and-I-feel-great-about-it post.. Which... Is ending right about... Now.

Hahahah!! So. I'll just throw in a new music playlist right after I click 'Publish Post'.

Hope ya guys like the change! 'Cause I love it. And it's not gonna go for some time.
zeeeeeee =D
yin o
Laughter,it HARMS,unfortunately =(
"Yea la,laugh laugh laugh"
LOL,Hui Rou always says this to me after teacher complained =.=
Maybe I really laugh too much,call me a laughing machine?
Classmate 1:Waa,Oom Yin,you can laugh at anything.
Classmate 2:(passed by) Why are you not laughing?Laugh laa.
Me: ........
H.R:You're laughing...again??
H.R:(laughed) I cannot imagine how your future husband is going to survive with you in the same house;i lived with you for 2 whole days and I became crazy,my mom even said she's going to send to to Tanjung Rambutan..!!!
Me:That's why,I'm desperate for a Deaf husband,he'll NEVER EVER say I'm noisy,hahahaha.Oh??Tanjung Rambutan?I'm the HEADMISSTRESS of Tanjung Rambutan Independent School,wanna study there??
PS zeeeeeeee:We're going to the orphanage too,thanks to moral project,I love moral!!(I'll love moral if horses can climb tree)
PPS:My 3rd oral test is coming!!
PPPS:Sign language class tomorrow,weeeeeeeeeeee!! =)
PPPPS:I've to take bus home after sign language class,must wear baju kurung to kurung myself xD (jkjk)
PPPPPS:Yea laa,I promise zeeeeeeeeeeee to blog more.
Oom Yin
`` Yin says (3:47 PM):
 about posting pics...after i write i went to browse pics but the pic ended up at above instead of below the words i wrote
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:47 PM):
 it's supposed to be that way
 u have to shift it down
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:48 PM):
`` Yin says (3:48 PM):
 i shifted but i din work
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:48 PM):
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:49 PM):
 i help u edit
`` Yin says (3:49 PM):
 okay,thanks x infinity

So I logged into my account and yeahh.. 
I saw the pics in I was like... well, OH MY GOD.
Hahhahahh!! Oom Yin, you kinda scared the hell out of me with those pictures. 
LOL..it wasn't because the pic isn't nice or what.. it's just kinda unnatural for me since I haven't seen a picture like that for.. ages.

Oh yeahh.. and WEEEEEEE!! NO MORE EXAMS. till May, anyway. 
Looking forward to a fully-packed holiday at the moment.
I'm going to visit an orphanage. Go take nature shots with Jun Kit..
(if I got the camera all ready.. Which. i'm pretty much doubting. But. I'll want to be there)
And go to Jun Kit's house to discuss Mag Inc. stuff and work on our ICT presentation on uhh.. security measures i think.. =P 

Oh yeah. And there's oral test. I have zero idea what to talk about.. UGH!

Not feeling like blogging now.. So. yeah, I'll just go first. 

zeeeeeee =)
yin o
LOL,right...I don't care if I failed my exams but hey it's over!!!OH YEAH =)

Sorry to tell all of you that I've the mood to camwhore after school xD

Huh?Oom Yin,you camwhores?

What's your problem,man?A pretty girl like me is not allowed to camwhore is it?
(Oops!I talked to myself again,sorry for the daily insaneness =p)

There you go,a slew of "cute" pictures:

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