Oh. Blaaahhh. I'm not showing off. Just feeling proud of myself. *grins widely*
I'm disappointed in my ICT though.. Expected better. But, geez.. Nevermind, I guess.

I'm going to wear the 47bucks-pyjama today to reward myself. Hahahah!! 

Owh. And I just realized.. Hang on, what did I realize? Sh*t. Hate it when this happens.

Nevermind. Let's move on!

(I see a lot of people using 'Lawl' instead of 'LOL'. Just trying it out. Haha.)
(Maybe I should just stick to 'haha'.)
I'm not going to be called a cow tomorrow!! Weeeeeee! LOL.

Oh yahh.. My dad came back from China! 
He bought an iPhone and an N83. 
And they cost 200 Ringgit each. MY GAWD, right?? 
But I have this hatred for China products so, yeahh... Even if my dad do offer to give me one, I won't take it.

Dad bought a GPS, too. For mum. To help her when she parks her car. She always has this phobia of car-parking. I have no idea why.

Oohh!! And we have DVDs to watch, too! 
Say hi to:
Seven Pounds,
Inkheart *SCREAMS*,
High School Musical 3 (blah) 
Twilight! (It's extended. So I'm sorta looking forward to watching that)

There are two other DVDs. Of uhhm.. Concerts.
Chinese artists'. So.. Not all that craazyyy bout it.

Owh, and today Andrew taught me how to fold a rose again. Turns out I forgot everything. Teehee! =P THANKS, ANDREW.

Speaking of Andrew. During Chem today, I had a teeny period of sex ed. 
It started out.. okay.. By okay, I mean I could handle it.
Then it got seriously. I don't know how to put it... Maybe... Outta hand? 
TMI(too much info) in too little time. So I had to leave to breathe some cleaner air.
Yep. Never rush sex ed. 

Speaking of CHEM! Too bad for Mr. Chang JK he wasn't in class to see this! 
Justin pulled the handle thingy of the "emergency shower" and the water came pouring down. LOL. 
Cik Norfazila was like,"Ah! Cantik!" 
And Ken Yue was saying,"It's my dream come true, man!" 
Lol. Lol. LOL. SO fun.

I did my Oral test today, too. Blaaahhhh. It was DISASTROUS. But. goshh. At least I got it over with. Jane said she and Andrew were laughing their heads off because I kept saying,'Yah.' 
Funny. I didn't even realize that.

Okay. Gotta go!
With love and recently dubbed, by Jane, "The Walking Energy",
zeeeeeee =D
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