And I was the one who killed it. 

You see, Min Xian found a bat yesterday near one of the girls' staircase.
The redaksi team brought it back to the Newsroom and put it in a pail since they can't bear letting it go as it'll die out there since its wing was torn and its still a baby!

When they all left(except Jun Kit), Pn. Shirley asked JK and I to release it.
We went to the padang but we couldn't let it go yet. Not without hearing some screams.
We scared a couple of Bluster 'olahragawati's. Their screams was really satisfying.
Then JK saw Pn. Myrna coming outta school and went to prank her. She backed off, sorta disgusted and shocked. We laughed. 
Then we decided to try it on Ms. Lok. She just look disgusted. That's all.. 

I was laughing and screaming/talking so loudly everyone was looking at me. But I didn't know.
Jun Kit told me later. Cheryl said she could hear me from the parking lot. =P

Jun Kit asked me to hang it onto a tree but it sorta climbed toward me so I screamed and dropped it on the grass. Then I started laughing at myself.

The bat started 'swimming' in the grass away from us.and it climbed over the watermelon JK put on the ground. Then JK picked it up using the sticks (used to eat watermelon) as chopsticks and dropped the little bat into the 'roof' of his 'house'.(Roof= cardboard, house=bucket).

It climbed around in there and then we saw a red ant biting its wing and it wouldn't let go!!
Jk and I was poking at the ant, trying to push it away from the bat but it was so stubborn it held on. I was panicking cause the bat looked really in pain. In all the times I've been with it, the most active it's been was 1. When the ant bit it and it's writhing in pain. And 2. When it was dying(Tell y'all later).
Jk abandoned his efforts and left, saying we should just leave it there. 
I stayed. My hand was shaking when I push poked at the ant again cause the bat looked so pained and I was sad for it. 
I managed to get it off. I can't remember how, but I did. 
And I stabbed at the (evil) red ant with the stick and finished it off. 

I've always tried not to take a life. 
Just because someone or something is smaller than you in size, or somehow different from you in appearance, knowledge and just everything
It doesn't mean its life is less significant than yours. It never is. 
But I killed a red ant that easily cause of a bat. 
So, I sorta convinced myself that I was prosecuting the ant cause it was trying to kill my bat. 
It will hold up in court, even. Attempted murder. 
So, yeah, since these are 'just animal and insect', the Malaysian High Court can't be bothered so I shall just act as one and kill the darned ant. (Actually, I think it should just be jailed for life. But I was so mad at it I killed it.)

I let it hang from the watermelon-stick and walked towards Jun Kit.
We wanted to bring it somewhere else in the bucket. But Pn. Teo appeared and I had to scram with the bucket(and the bat in it).Oh. And the cardboard roof.

I went back to the tree with the watermelon underneath, picked back the watermelons and put it into the bucket for the poor thing to eat. 
Then I was about to hang it on the tree but sudenly I saw SO many red ants on it! 
I can't possibly leave my little bat there cause it'll definitley die.
So I left it in the bucket watching it eat the watermelon while waiting for Cheryl, Rachel and Jane to join me(they were running towards me).

We talked about the bat and I told them my decision to not release it into the (not-so-)wild. But. I had no idea where to put it.
I brought it back into the lobby after PN. Teo left(turns out she got into her car, drove outta school, park it near the bus stop, and spied on the students, disguised as a waiting parent).
I placed the bucket down and sat. Mun Chun was reading beside me and he suggested to me a place to hide my bat and he went with me to put it there - under Dinamik staircase.
I was really happy at the thought of being able to keep it alive(but not for long, apparently), though not-so-well.

The next day, I came to school with a banana, wanting to give it to the bat in small pieces.
When I got there with Rachel, the bat still has a bit of watermelon left. 
(Jun Kit said it drowned in watermelon juice. 
Now that I think of it, it probably died of over-eating of watermelon.)
So I didn't give it the banana. Besides, it was too risky. 
Wouldn't it be weird if you saw a couple of girls putting pieces of banana into a bucket behind a boys' staircase? Yes. Of course.
It looked as if it wanted to climb out of the bucket but I didn't let it out just in case it gets trampled over by people. So, I left it there.

I think it died probably a little after I visited him..  
It wanted to get outta the bucket, outta the watermelon juice. 
But I left it there. 
And it died.

I unknowingly killed the bat, my yet-to-be-named second pet.

To my dearest baby bat Melon(yes. I know it's a bit late to be christening it now)(Melon cause that's the reason of its death):

I'm so sorry for killing you. 
I wanted to save you, nurse you back to health then let you fly off and have a good life. Unfortunately, you fell in the hands of the wrong person. 
I'm no vet. I've no bat-raring experience before. I didn't know how to handle you. 
And you died because I fed you watermelon. Guess I was just belating your death..
I wondered if you preferred this way of dying or to die bitten by ants. 
Then I think dying bitten by ants would have been more honourable than dying in the hands of your food. So, I apologize, yet again, for not letting you have the more honourable way out. 

I solemnly swear to you, the next bat I find shall not go anywhere near a watermelon. Ever.

With love, Zhi Yi. 
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