`` Yin says (3:47 PM):
 about posting pics...after i write i went to browse pics but the pic ended up at above instead of below the words i wrote
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:47 PM):
 it's supposed to be that way
 u have to shift it down
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:48 PM):
`` Yin says (3:48 PM):
 i shifted but i din work
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:48 PM):
zeeeeeee芷瑜 says (3:49 PM):
 i help u edit
`` Yin says (3:49 PM):
 okay,thanks x infinity

So I logged into my account and yeahh.. 
I saw the pics in I was like... well, OH MY GOD.
Hahhahahh!! Oom Yin, you kinda scared the hell out of me with those pictures. 
LOL..it wasn't because the pic isn't nice or what.. it's just kinda unnatural for me since I haven't seen a picture like that for.. ages.

Oh yeahh.. and WEEEEEEE!! NO MORE EXAMS. till May, anyway. 
Looking forward to a fully-packed holiday at the moment.
I'm going to visit an orphanage. Go take nature shots with Jun Kit..
(if I got the camera all ready.. Which. i'm pretty much doubting. But. I'll want to be there)
And go to Jun Kit's house to discuss Mag Inc. stuff and work on our ICT presentation on uhh.. security measures i think.. =P 

Oh yeah. And there's oral test. I have zero idea what to talk about.. UGH!

Not feeling like blogging now.. So. yeah, I'll just go first. 

zeeeeeee =)
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