yin o
Yess,although my results kinda can throw it to the drain as a thrash but NO,I'm not going to be depressed or emo-ed.
Come on,think positive!think!!think!!
I'll never get full marks although I'm the most depressed girl in the world right?
(Not cheating myself,thinking positive =])
When those poor marks ran through my mind I feel giddy,
but no more now,NO MORE,
I asked myself to be strong and tough or maybe bullet proof?
nothing can bring me down just like this,(not even a gun?)
I'm warning you,EXAMS RESULTS,YOU CANNOT KILL ME(muahahahahahahahaha!)
Okay,yeahh,I know my evil laughs sound shitty but yes,YOU CANNOT BRING ME DOWN!!
Not if I'm going to drink the whole bottle of Listerin in order to commit suicide..

Let's think of something happy since it's holidays,people!!WoohooOooo!! =)
So,saturday...which is today...i'm still awake at this time(about 4a.m now)
Uhh...plan?Go watch Sex Drive?
Just a dream,I'm not going to watch any movie =(
Might go to shop(i need a new watch and shoes desperately)
YMCA?(i hate taking bus laa,i know i'm behaving like a princess but taking bus ALONE,strangers all around you is not scary but boring,hope that my friend will be back very soon so that she can ferry me up and down,hahahahaha)
Swimming?(Look at me,i'm growing fatter,did you notice?Oh?you don't?Because I still look slim and thin?*perasan*)
After that,go to basketball court?(go there for what?don't know == what laa you,OY)

Anyway,happy holidays to all my friends!!

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