yin o
Didn't really help out in SPBT room today,
I went to the hall for speeches.
So boring there,
teachers were talking about Form 4 subjects.
Oooh..!!And I'm ambition-less
so you know,cannot decide which field i'm belong to
but nevermind,I'll decide later.

My mood went down to the drain,
camera is missing.

Anyway,when we were dying in the deadly hall today
suddenly the so-called disco song was played.
If you're really close to me then you'll know what's my very first reaction,
I started to dance(i can't control myself).
But it didn't last long since hellOoo we're in school.
Bear and Zoey started to laugh at me,
'blehh' to them ;p

Feel like following the 'loan shark' to lepak tomorrow
but hopefully 'teominator' wouldn't appear..!!

Lots of us aren't going to school tomorrow,
I'm going for the sake of my darlings.

Cuter-than-Powerpuff girls,(pretentiously)
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