Well, this day, I got up at 6.oo a.m,
I think I snoozed a bit...
(Oh God, I can't remember??
How in the world am I gonna continue blogging this day, and Day 3, and Day 4??)
(Can I stop blogging bout Day 2 now? XD[Don't worry. I'm just kidding!])

I got up, sat on my bed for I-don't-know-how-long 'cause I just don't know where to start.
My bedspread is pulled out... somehow.

I hate my bedspread.
It's the only one in the whole entire dorm to keep coming off.
(At least I think it's the only one...)

Zhi Yi sits on bed...*comes off*
Zhi Yi climbs onto bunk....*comes off*
Zhi Yi lays down to sleep, still as ever....*comes off*
Zhi Yi pulls "me"
(referring to evil/cursed/have-a-crazy-mind-of it's own bedspread)
back into place... *comes off*
Zhi Yi tries to sit back in bed....*comes off*

Bedspread of bunk 2/9:
(I am loooooneeyyyyy~)
(I am loooooneeyyyyyy~)
(I am loooooneeyyyyyy~)
I AM... okay, I think that will be all. Go on blogging about what a great-bad-bedspread I am!!"

Okay, so.. this stupid bedspread has been the only nightmare in this Langkawi trip.
(Fine, that's not true.
There's still the leakage of the pipes
and the very-hard pillow[not that much of a nightmare, though...]
and there's the roach that flew outta my bunk when I threw my luggage into it[ that was actually pretty cool..])

Aaanyway~ I abandoned Cheryl at the dorm
(forgive my evilness, Cheryl),
and met up with Jun Kit outside.
We then explored the Oriental Village, took a few pictures here and there...
I took only two crappy pictures...
(Can't post'em up 'cause my mum decided to lock up the camera.)
One of them took me like.. half an hour to take!! and it's still a bit shaky.
How bad is that??
(Well, you can't blame me! My cam's five years old!
[That's quite old in 'camera years'])

After my incredibly frustrating attempt at taking nice pictures,
I went for breakfast around the pool area with Jun Kit, Cheryl and teacher.

(Oh, gahh..
I don't remember anything interesting that happened then..
or what he had for breakfast..
[All i know is that there'll always be toast but I never touched toast for as long as I'm at Langkawee.])

Oh, wow. Breakfast was absolutely the best EVER food you would have had in your entire life!!

Right. I have got to cut my sarcasm, don't I?
Breakfast wasn't bad actually.. In fact it's the best meal I have of the day everyday.
IN my opinion larr.. If anyone from camp decides tp pick a fight with me 'cause they think lunch and/or dinner is better, I'M GONNA IGNORE YOU.

Okay.. let's stop talking 'bout breakfast.
('Cause I may get hungry)

All campers gathered near the futsall(is that how you spell it?) field.
Jun Kit, Cheryl and I were on time...
But. That. Did not save Cheryl from being insulted by (the EVIL LORD)Andrew.
He's so terrible lar(seriously).
We were talking bout the time.
Cheryl's watch was a tad slower.
He said:"How much is your watch? Huh? How much?"
Cheryl didn't even get the chance to reply before he said..
"My one RM150. Your's is cheap. So, it's wrong."

WHATEVER LAR,(Evil Lord) Andrew.

Let's move on..
We walked to Mutiara Burau Bay Resort
(the name is REAL long so.. I dunno if this one's right.)
(Maybe it's not that long but I can't bring myself to memorise it.)
Distance is close to 1km.
The walk there was quite uneventful
('cause I wasn't paying attention.
Either that, or I don't remember).

We got there,
dropped our stuff at Dewan Impian
(next person who even thinks "Roda Impian", shall get a kick from me. Personally)
(Kiddin'. Just have nothing better to do..),
got assigned to our facilitator - Wee Ling.
Team alrendez from SMK Bukit Sentosa
(bus mates, friends[though this is a competition..])
also got assigned to Wee Ling. *Smiles*

Equipment check!
My camera got kicked out.
We got the school's Lumix (Jun Kit will be carrying it),
Jun Kit's Sony T-200(I'll be baby-sitting that.. Jun Kit still uses that for certain photographs when the Lumix is not suited for..)
Cheryl is carrying her own Canon babe.
Teacher..? She baby-sits Cheryl's laptop(sometimes/most of the time)

So.. we walked to Anak Burau..
I didn't have that much a good time there.
So. Many. Bloody. Barnacles!!!
I have to watch the ground at every. step. I take.

Once, when I didn't look('cause we're all rushing as the tide is high)
I slipped
(Thank God I didn't fall.
That. Would have make me look gruesome,
completely nightmarish
and ooh, I might even get to star in a horror movie!)
and cut my heel. It bleed a bit but whatever..
'cause I found out bit late and blood stopped flowing already.

So, we went back to Dewan Impian,
downloaded our pics,
got lunch..

Lunch was just completely horrendous
(that may be an exaggeration. But. a very minor one).

Fish, curry chicken and curry vege.
Curry, curry, curry.
Even the fish is spicy.
(Hey! That rhymed!)

Believe it or not?
The next day, we had the same fish.
This time, it's back with curry prawns and very oily "tauge"s.

For one thing, I've never ever been a big fan of spicy food.
Second. I'm allergic to seafood (all but fish themselves).
(Yes. I'm allergic to one of the world's most delicious food. Which is real sad.)
Third. My parents has been trying to minus the oil in our diet since last year.
So, you see, I just couldn't bring myself to like the food served those few days.
(Except for "The Last Lunch". That. Was absolutely fab.)

O-kayy~ I gotta stop complaining bout lunch there and start blogging bout our walk through the mangrove trail (and the beach, too).

The beach was nice...
Same stuff lar... White, sandy beach
(Though I noticed there are some black marks as the wave come washing in
[suspected cause - oil-spilling])...
Soldier crabs running around...
Sea shells..

Yes. There's rubbish.
People these days pollute beaches by throwing things away, thinking:
"Hey. That's just one little thing. Doesn't change much.
So what if I throw it away?"
(Yeah.. uhm campers who can't hear me clearly during presentation
'cause I was so nervous my hand was shaking
which caused the microphone to shake quite vigorously, too
which caused others to not hear me clearly
[I have no idea what I'm ranting on about now.
So. Bear with me.]
That. Was what I said.
[But, of course, no explaining needed, right??
We all understand from the photo itself, yes?]
[Form 3 students of SMK USJ 12 will be able to see that picture soon when I embarrass myself on stage with Cheryl by my side.
{By that, I mean we're gonna do the presentation we did in Langkaewee}]
[Oh, Gawwd.. I type in so many brackets.])

Phew! I need to breathe!

Inhale.. Exhale.. Inhale.. Exhale..

Okay. Continue.

We went into the mangrove forest(or jungle)(or whatever)
and saw more rubbish.
Oh, the sad, sad human beings. Get yourselves a trash can!!

So, we snapped more photos
of flowers...
of caterpillars...
(Fine. That's actually singular.
We saw this one hairy-as-hell caterpillar on a leaf on the way back to the hotel.
Everyone started to snap pictures of it.
I'm convinced that the caterpillar has now died of Toofamousinthis
Either that, or it's Toomuchcameralightsinthia.
In fact, I think all beautiful flowers, odd-looking insects and sea urchins has all died of these two diseases)

So, everyone just snap, snap and snap pictures of the same stuff.
In the end, a few teams has the same thing in their presentation.
Even Team Revolutionaries(that's us) suffer from that condition
(Okayy~ I have got to stop speaking in [fake-out]doctor language).

After we're done with the mangrove,
we went back and downloaded our photos into the laptop.

Okay... uhm.. I blacked-out.
(Fine. I didn't. I just don't remember what happened)

Then, we had dinner and..
I blacked-out again
(I don't remember again..)

Ooh! Ooh!!
Okay, so it's closing bedtime.
We were just coming into the dorm and guess what??
Niagara Falls is in our dorm!!!!!
Isn't that cool??
We didn't have to go half way across the globe to see one of the world's biggest attraction.
It came to us!

Okay. I'm being sarcastic.
The pipes were leaking and caused a waterfall to miraculously appear at the wall the basins are attached to.
Plus, we have another bonus in our super duper awesome accomodation
-Raining bathrooms!
(Only two stalls were left "sunny")

So, guess what I did to get my teeth brushed?
I went into one of the "dry" stalls,
got my toothbrush and toothpaste outta my pocket,
wet my toothbrush with the showerhead spilling water outta itself beside me.
put some toothpaste onto my toothbrush,
screw the cap back on,
I brushed my teeth,
spit into the toilet bowl,
rinsed my mouth with the showerhead-water a few times, spitting into the toilet bowl...
And, phew! I'm done.

I didn't even bother with showering.
Don't worry. I showered in the evening...
(Oh. So, that's what happened before dinner)

So, I ran through "the rain" in the bathrooms and through the also "raining" doorway.
My legs were so wet.
Thank God. I'm wearing shorts.
I didn't even change into my pyjamas.
Hey, first night I was there I changed and I probably have the cutest pyjamas on.
(What? A green pair of pyjamas with a picture of a rabbit and two protruding carrot sticks at the pocket is not cute??
It's so cute it's embarrassing, okay??)
So cute that I feel so embarrassed.
(Yes, I do know I'm repeating that but that just proves how bloody embarrassing it was)

After the constant pulling of the (evil and cursed) bedspread,
I finally gave up on it,
(I probably read a little)
and went to sleep.

Finally. I'm done with this post.
Took me close to three days to draft this and finally finishing this.

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