All right.

Aaaand it's freedom!!

I'm gonna shop like mad (if my dad allows).
I haven't bought any piece of clothing this year!!
(Waaiit~ exclude those three T-shirts I bought for Chinese New Year.)
(Waaiit~[again] that was last year... So, I have not bought any clothing this year!)
(Yes, I've never liked shopping but I just feel the need to shop now, 'kay??)

Also, I'm gonna get some Starbucks Vanilla Frappucino!!
(if my dad allows[again]
[This. Is why you should not take any of your parents out if you plan to indulge
- They may not allow!])

Most importantly...

I'm pretty confused about whether M&M's has melamine or not.
But. I don't care.
Just this. Once.
Let me have something unhealthy,
let me indulge.

(Jun Kit, Cheryl, John
- cover me, can?
Please and thank you!)
(No. Y'all cannot have Haagen Dazs.)
(Sorry!! I don't have enough cash on me, 'kay??)
(I'll share my M&M's, though. Honest!)
(Will not bitch around like Oom Yin did with them to today, too.)
('Cause I just wanna eat'em. XD)
(Promise! Just cover me! Please!!)

Okayy!!!! Gotta go!
I'm gonna tackle my Geography paper so badly the paper can hurt!
Okay. Maybe it won't literally hurt.
But, well, not like I care larrh...

All the best, everyone!
And have fun tomorrow!

Love and =)'s,
Z.y1 =D
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