To my brother's room.

This means
goodbye to own bathroom.
Goodbye to creepy curtains.
Goodbye to study table.
Goodbye to lazy self.


Dad got a Feng Shui guy to come and look at our house.
He said if I continue staying in my room,
I'll continue being lazy.

Also, he said I'm more suitable for my brother's room.
And he is more suitable for my room.

He also said the willow tree in our garden can get ghosts coming.
*more grumps*

A really cool thing is
the places we're most suitable to be at,
we are sort of drawn to it.

1. My brother like coming into my room and sitting on my bed a lot.

2. The best place for me to study - the family hall.
And I am studying there now.(fu-yoh! so geng)

Dad said he'll move us today.
So, adious, bedroom!
(wth.why sob when I'm gonna be more hardworking?)
1 Response
  1. Annabelle. Says:

    Dun misunderstand me, i didnt mean to discriminate him..
    But shifting rooms????

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