are a good time to put on weight.

I swear I've
probably put on two kilograms.
I study, I eat.
I watch telly, I eat.
I online, I eat.
See? How can I not put on weight.

For Muslims,
y'all probably lost two or three kilos over your fasting month
but you'll probably put it back on over Raya.
Probably. Note that.

Gawwd.. My parents are so crazy organic stuff right now,

This morning, mum made me organic plant milk.
In the world. Is that??
I drank it.
Tasted a little like oatmeal and as if there were leaves on my tongue.

Dad even brought home organic bananas.
A whole bunch.
Yes, freshly-plucked-from-the-tree bunch of bananas.
They are so green.
I think they can last us for a month.

Ooh! I also discovered I don't need to use electricity when I'm studying during the day!
I shifted my study-place to the family hall
(because the table in my bedroom is jam-packed with books and I don't have the space to study anymore XD)
where it's windy so I don't have to switch on the fan.
And the lamp, too - 'cause I've got natural lighting!


I heart planet Earth. Save Earth, Go Green.

P.s : Cheryl, Jun Kit, don't bother clicking. Y'all know the website all ready.
And yeah, I'm still on green fever =)
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