Today is one tiring day.
I was real high today.
Zechary asked me: "What did you eat during recess ar?"
I was all smiles then I said:" I ate.. Coffee for breakfast!!"
Before I get to continue he said: "Hah?? You ate coffee??"
I laughed and said: " Sorry. I drank a mug of coffee."

Then I got called away by Rachel, talked to her a bit.
Next thing I did was plop down on the floor like a bundle of... something?
I just sat there... and meditate.

Why am I so tired??

I had to talk to the whole class about our class trip to Penang.
I had to repeat the same thing.

" November 10-13, 4 days three nights.
5-star hotel, price is RM 500 (may decrease) for the whole trip.
Two days at Gurney Drive(where we relax),
two days at Batu Ferringhi(where we play hard)."

That very recital again and again.

But. I was mistaken... Wait! I'm not!
Not exactly... mistaken.
It's true that we're spending two days at Gurney Drive but only one and a half day at Batu Ferringhi.
Two nights in Gurney Drive and only one night in Batu Ferringhi.

Hahah! My granduncle said the braces on my teeth looks like pagar.

Okay.. That was random. But my granuncle did say that.
And believe it or not? I've never met him till my great grandma's funeral!

Ah.. Don't wanna talk about it- the funeral, I mean..

Gawwd...I'm emo.

P.s: Totally random. XD
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