is hilarious, I tell you!! Gotta watch it!
Don't go to the cinemas, though.
Get the CD so you can watch it again and again when you need a good laugh.

It is also a very touching movie..
It reflects the selfish, unfilial, self-centered and "survival m
ode" side of humans.

I laughed till my throat went hoarse for the night,
cried so hard even when I tried to hold back
(what? Crying in cinemas[=crying in public] is very embarrass, 'kay??)

My mum almost decided to not let us go watch it yesterday night!
Thank God, thank God, thank God!!

She took such along time showering and blow-drying her hair!
We took off at 8.30(+) and we're supposed to reach there by 8.45 to pick up thetickets we booked.

Thanks to my skillfully reckless driving father, we arrived at Sunway Pyramid 'bout 14 minutes later.

Only 1 minute left to get to the cinema!!

This. Is where Zhi Yi(the New Yorker[Cheryl's nickname for me])'s speed is handy and appreciated.

I walked faster than I normally do
(Yes, y'all, I can still go faster than my normal walking speed)
but I was still two minutes late

(that stupid emo, la-la couple's fault! Block my way on the elevator!).

Still, I got the tickets!!!

Well, as I was leaving the cinema, I saw Hui Jun!
Stopped for a little chit-chat with her.
Then, left.

*above was drafted yesterday*

Yesterday was my bro's b'day!!

The youngest one.
And Zechary's b'day.

Happy Birthday!!!!

Had Opera cake (I've always wondered what's up with the name).
They went to Mid Valley Megamall.
Without me.

Leaving me home alone.
Feeling cold... Unwanted... Unloved... Hungry
Don't look at me like that!
They come home at nine and say they wanna take me out for dinner,
but at that time, I'd rather eat Milo powder than waiting.
(Ahahh! I know y'all can imagine my fake emo face now.)

Ooh!! And my parents are getting a new laptop!!

Say "hi" to Dell Studio15.

Mum wants the green one.
When they went to get it yesterday, there weren't any green ones left.
In fact there are only dark blue ones.
So, we'll have to wait two to three weeks
to get it.=(

For now, I'll just stick to my old friend, right here! =)

Wanted and stalked,
Z.y1 (XD)
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