RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs
and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by

RULE #2 Tag 10 people to do this quiz and those who are
tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot
tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to
other people.

1. Did you like the questions in the tag you did?
Neutral. But I'm changing all the questions anyway.

2. Why?
I'm bored. And I like talking to myself.

3. Do you laugh a lot?
What do you think??
I ask the questions here(snaps finger bitchily). You answer.
In case you haven't notice, "you" and "I
" are the same person..
Answer it anyway.

4. Are you crazy?
If I'm not will I be talking to you?
I said, I ask the questions here.
Are you dumb or what? I did answer the question.
In a question. And you're not supposed to ask the questions here.
Like I said, we're the same person.
Just give a direct answer! (snaps bitchily)
Ugh! Yes.

5. Can you stop bitching yourself?
If I want to, yes.

6. Do you want to?

7. Why?
Hey, you asked that question.
So? I can ask it again. Just answer.
Ask yourself. You're me.
Yeah, but they (points to people who're reading blog now. a.k.a. you) don't know the answer.
Well, you can answer it, can't you? You're me after all.
You asked a question again. You know you're not supposed to.
Well, from another person's point of view, I've been asking the questions all the time.

8. How is that?
Well, you're me, and I'm you. You (I) ask me (you) questions, and I (you) answer.

9. Do you have an alter ego thing going on?
Obviously, yeah.

10. What's the name of your alter ego?
Ask yourself. You're my alter ego, you should know your own name, don't you think?
How many times do you want me to tell you this?? i ask the questions, you answer.
Again, we're the same.
Oh, just answer the question!!

11. What does C.H.A.R.M. stand for?
I'm not a monster!
What? You prefer "maiden"? Okay, then.
No, I do not prefer "maiden".
Then? "Male"?
You very well know I am not male.
Uhm.. Manager?
Better, but no...
Ooh.. I know!! Mammal! What about that?
But I'm just a fragment of your imagination!
That's okay. "M" shall stand for "mammal"!

12. Why "mammal" ?
'Cause you objected strongly on other options?
Hey! I said, I ask the questions here!!
Just answer my question.
I don't know! It's random!

13. Are you crazy?
You asked that before.
Well, I can't help asking it again, since you seem so insane.
So, are you crazy?

14.Do you need treatment?
Maybe? Nah. I think I'm fine the way I am.

15. Do you want treatment?

16. Why?
'Cause I like myself crazy!

17. You're very strange..
That's not a question.
You're suppose to reply to that.
Owh. Okay. Well, being strange is part of being crazy.

18. You hungry?
But I am..
You're not supposed to.
Why is that?
Like you said, you're just a fragment of my imagination. Imaginations do not get hungry.
But I'm craving M&M's!!
Aww... Me. too!!
And Starbucks' Vanilla Frappucino!
*sob* *sob* I want that, too!
That's 'cause I'm you and you're me, remember??
Oh, geez. Yeah!

19. Are you tired?

20.What's the difference between the coffee you make and the coffee your dad makes?
Aww! Don't make me say that!
Evil fragment of imagination.
Come on, just answer it.
Okay. I don't understand how and why this happens.
The recipe is from my dad, we use the same ingredients. Dad's tastes awesome. Mine? It tastes awesome, too. But only in small doses. 'Cause if you drain my mug of coffee you'll feel overloaded and you just might throw up.

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