Seriously, apart from the aircrafts flying over our heads, have you notice something else about the sky?

I was standing at the car porch of my house, waiting for the van to come and pick me up for school and ,without meaning to, I saw a small plane, flying higher than the height the planes I normally see go to. Also, I couldn't hear it's engine roaring. Normally, I'll be able to...

Anyway, I watched the plane till I lost sight of it.

Then, I noticed that, today, the few stars I, usually, can barely see are now shining very brightly in the sky. I've always liked stars. I was overjoyed when I see them so bright.

A moment later, when I looked closer, oh my God - I can see other stars. The whole sky was covered with stars that I can actually see, though barely. The light of the stars are faint but anyone can see them if they look closer. Gosh, I was so happy I almost cried.

The sight was just beautiful.

Later, when the sun was starting to rise, gosh, the sky look like one very beautifully painted picture.
The toning of the colour was perfect.
From the east to the west, from light blue to dark blue.

I loved the shade.

And on the east, there were dark clouds covering the right bottom corner of the sky
(I know skies are not supposed to have corners but in my sight it appeared as a corner so I shall describe it that way).
The dark clouds were like a few dark spotlights, coming from the corner.
Gosh, it was just gorgeous.

If I had the talent I would have painted it.
If I had my camera or phone with me, I would have taken a picture of it.
But I had neither.
All I could do was cry
'cause I was so touched by the beauty of the sky.
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