I realized I can't study without my radio on.
The silence just gets too loud.
I also realized I can't study with my radio switched on too loud
or when it's playing my favourite songs(eg. A.N.G.E.L, I'll Be Lovin' U Long Time, What About Now)
or the songs I really hate(eg. Love In This Club).

So, I searched the airwaves for an Indian music station.
Two minutes after I tuned in, I threw the first thing my hand grabbed hold of at the radio.
That thing turned out to be my phone.
Thank God I have such a hardcore A.P Nokia phone.
The back fell off and the battery fell out, I put it back together and it's still okay.

Then, I threw my History textbook at the radio.
After that came my flying pencil case
and my dictionary,
my tissue roll,
my glue,
my environmentally friendly coin box(coin tube, actually and it's environmentally friendly 'cause it's made of recycled materials!),
my calendar,
my pens,
my broken compasses,
my bag, my wallet, my highlighter.

Eventually, my eraser did it. It hit the on/off button.
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