Okay. You know what?
My life is waayyyy too fast-paced to be stuck here in Langkawee.
So. I shall just post up the bunch of photos I took in Langkawee and give'em some description.
Good enough?

So, here it comes!

*GASP* Pavilion in Langkawi?? This. Is. Just. Too. Cool.
That's the fence. Sorry I didn't rotate it..
Yes, That is the EVIL bedspread.
Arrest it!
That's Cheryl. Talking animatedly 'bout Explorace to dearest Alison.
My super, super, duper messy luggage.
(On my first day, I uhh.. swung the bag onto the bunk and a cockroach flew out!
I sorta screamed and then I started laughing.)
My bed.. (Compare mine to Cheryl's later then I'll be ashamed. XD) You see, my bedspread so berkedut.
Tsk.Tsk. See? Cheryl feels proud of her very-neat bed, too.
You see? So neat, yah?
Cheryl's luggage.
CLICK! magazine and my sweater.
(Yeah.. took the grey one in the end..)
That's my view when I lay down on my bunk and sleep.
(Yes, the ceiling is that close to my head.)
A special guest.. Timbalan of something.. God-knows-what..
All, I know is he kept talking and talking.
Yup, that's us!
Jun Kit took this shot for me since he is sitting beside Cheryl,
who was holding the cardboard.Yah, yah.. we get it all ready. Thrid prize..
On the bus.. about to leave for jetty..
Bear with us.. we're proud of ourselves.OMG!! Who's driving??
Taken on the bus on the way back to JPN Selangor.
Was raining and it leaked.
Cheryl had it bad.. Her seat was completely wet.
Jun Kit.. Goyang kaki after victory..
Reviewing the pictures he took...

Spilt fishies makes me dizzy.
(This wasn't intentional..
The Sri Aman girls were offered the goldfish but they spilt the whole thing)
(Ignore Darren(guy in orange sweater)'s blurred out face.
(Sorry bout my terrible photography skill )
Khalil offered me chocolate when I was trying to take a pic of him without him noticing.. but, well.. guess he noticed...)


Okay. Before I proceed to the last few photos let me tell you bout us arriving at JPN Selangor, getting into my dad's car and sending Jun Kit, Cheryl and Miss Lee home.

First, we dropped off Cheryl, nothing interesting there.

Then, it was teacher's turn(HAHAHA!!!).

Well, guess what? When we arrived, no one was there to open the door for teacher, even though her sister was home.

Teacher called for God-knows-how many times with her phone and my dad's phone, no one picked up.

So. I suggested breaking into teacher's house and triggering the alarm to wake everyone.

Of course, that plan wasn't carried out.

Instead.. My dad climbed into teacher's house and knocked on the front door but, still, to no avail.

I don't quite remember how exactly, but finally, her sister opened the door.

Okay. (And they all lived happily ever after)

My story ends here.Let us get on with looking at the photos!

(Don't worry.. just a few left..)


Chocs I bought..
One for pa,
one for family,
the other - Pn. Shirley's.

Z.yi =)

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