My man, Harith Iskandar!!!
Right. Sorry.
I can't resist.. XD
Here's Harith Iskandar:

He did a few of stand-up comedies for us
about CSI, One In A Million and women's intelligence.
It was completely hilarious. My stomach hurt from laughing too hard, too.
After him, Harith Iskandar came on stage and gave us a talk about stuff.. I can't remember what..
(It's been ONE month!!)
Ooh! Then he asked us,"Who's brave??"
I was like,"Huh?"
So, I just look around.. some people raised their hand.
Hans went around asking the question again and again.
Finally, he picked this girl out of the audience, held her hand took her out front and said,
"Hehe.. Actually we just need a pretty girl."
They sat down on the chairs on the stage..
Anyway, it looked like this:

Yeah.. they're on a "date".
Spontaneous acting...
So, Hans was professing his love for that girl
(while the rest of his fangirls in the audience pout jealously)
Suddenly, Harith came back on stage and went like,"Who's that guy??" to that girl.
She said,"We're just friends.."
Harith ordered her to step aside, went up to Hans and..
started fighting...
They're gays.
In the performance, I mean...
And David Lai came on stage to show us "something".

*laughs to self*
Inside joke..
Okay, okay. I'll share it.
So. David Lai was this really poor street magician.
And every time he goes up to someone to do his magic,
he says:"Do you wanna see something?"
A lot of guys thought dirty. I think a lot of girls, too.
It was pretty chaotic.
Every thing he said we thought dirty..
I can't remember what exactly but it was pretty terrible..
Anyway, he performed for us..
bending forks at ease and stuff...

Anyway, after him, came the dance crew.
I have no idea what their name is.. I couldn't recall.
They introduced to us various type of hip-hop dance styles.
And performed.
I would like to apologize first for the bad photographs coming up...
That's David Lai learning to dance.
Do not think dirty.

Dance pics:

Yeah.. pretty bad.. and weird..

Shawn throwing some beats..
He danced too.. but all the pics I took of him is blurred...
Anyway.. It came to a close.. And we get to take a group photo with the celebrities.
No pictures of that... The photographer won't help me take one.

Yee Teng once again.. outside the hall.

I managed to get one last shot of Hans Issac leaving before the battery of my camera died.
After that, I was running back and forth into the hall and out again trying to get another picture of Serena C and Harith Iskandar but well... I ran outta battery.. and I was trying to lend someone's camera.. and then we all got shoo-ed by the "security people" in black coats there..
Ughh! Hate them...
Had fun that day..
We went back to school in that same bus..
It was drizzling. I put the hood of my jacket up when I was in the rain.
I love my jacket!(though I don't see how that statement has anything to do with H Factor..)
Okay, signing off with love,
zeeeeeee =)
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Dropping by.=)

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