So. With that last picture from Photomarathon (Part 1) - the pic where that shop assistant shoo-ed me away, we arrive at KLCC.

Anyway, I came here:

with Jun Kit.. Ooh!! And this ang moh(a.k.a westerner) was so cool!!
I asked if I can take a picture of him and he was like: "Yeah, sure. What is it for?"
Actually, I asked quite a few people if I can take their picture.
They all said yes.
But this was the only ang moh I asked and I was a tad scared to ask at first 'cause Jun Kit said that certain ang mohs are racists... But I took the chance and this is my reward!

I do realize I must adjust the lighting.
But nahh... for one, I am a photographer, not a photoshopper
(XD wth... sound so pro when I actually can't handle cameras that well).
And two, I am lazy to do that(XD).

We passed by the cinema..

The view of the uh... ceiling(?) from the ground floor.

I snapped this pic outside the shop at the ground floor..
Wasn't supposed to.. but, hey, how was I to know? No one shoo-ed me away this time and I didn't see the sign saying:
"No Photographs" till after I took the picture.
Anyway.. we left the building and went off to the ginormous park outside..

NO. I am NOT into that guy.

In the penthouse.
And I have a fantabulous view of the Twin Towers from there.
So. Be jealous.
Okay. Fine. I do not live there.
And I do not know if there's a fantabulous view of the Twin Towers from the penthouse of that aprtment.

I heart this picture so, so, so, so, so much!

"Eh, kak, pose for me! Thank you!"

"Muahahahaha!! I am so smart!!

I can take this picture perfectly while the guy in front of me can help me ask for the right poses!"

"Hah! I shall take from here!"
And who's the smartest one of all? ME.
'Cause I caught those to being "parasites" while that front-man didn't.
And I am not as inoriginal as those two "parasites", adopting other people's idea!

I have no idea who those two guys are..
But aanyywayyy.. Just look at the fountain.

John's head with the Canon cap on.
Sorry bout the blur background.. John's head was moving.

Look at that super-duper posh car!
It was parked putside Pavilion.
*Sigh* Wish I could drive it...
Then again, I may destroy it 'cause I've never had a driving lesoon in my life and..
I've never tried steering the wheel in my parents' cars.
Fine. I did try..

Only when it's parked and the engine is off.

John had a cold that day..

That. Would be my reflection.
With a lot of other suff hanging on me.
Jun Kit and his reflection.
He was real mad at me 'cause I kept running off to other places
and I was walking really, really slowly
'cause I wanted to snap a photo of almost everything I see.
Sorry. But I love the posh car looaaads!
And I know...
You do, too!

John shopped for shades on the way back to Times Square.
It's fake. XD

Dunnno where and when I took this.. but it's nice.

Okay. John made me swear I won't post this picture Jun Kit took with my camera(my uncle's, actually..). But I can't help it! It's hilarious!
*My laughter just goes on forever*

Finally! A picture of Jun Kit in this post!
It's not easy to get a picture of him, really.
And it's a really nice ppicture of him!
Okay, to be fair.. I shall post a picture of myself, too.
Though not so hilarious and not so nice, it's pretty embarrassing(to me) 'cause I am never used to taking pictures.
Haha!! There was a picture of me that Jun Kit took with flash on my camera..
and I turned out looking like a manikin(according to Jun Kit).
And there was one he took with his camera where I had my evil grin on.
Hah! I look so evil I can't help laughing when I look at it!
Jun Kit? Do NOT (I cannot. Emphasize this more) ever, ever post that picture of me on your blog, or anywhere else on the web!
(I am crossing my fingers he deleted that picture all ready)
Okay.. Anyway, punishment for myself:

That would be me.
Unable to smile even though I am drinking my favourite drink in this.
Whole. Entire. World.
Because I just can't be natural in front of the camera!

Signing off with much love,
zeeeeeee =D
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