Okay. Last part, people! And it's real short.
So, anyway. It was after the competition and we were just chilling out at Starbucks.
Then Jun Kit snapped that hilarious picture of John's.
After a little while he left.
And guess what?
John did not finish his Starbucks Coffee!
How can he not finish that incredibly expensive and used-to-look-delicious mug of coffee??
That is just completely intolerable and unforgiveable. Seriously.
Jun Kit was pretty mad at him 'cause he bought that mug of coffee with his voucher.
So, anyway, we left Starbucks and went to Borders.
(Actually, I can't really work out whether I like thrillers or chic-lits better.
I love how smart thrillers are but I love how light and hilarious chic-lits are, too.
So.. I don't know)
Oh. Look!
And, it's pink!
So, after purchasing a book - Breaking Dawn (for Jun Kit's sister, Li Ling, not me.)
and a reuseable bag(to get a 20% discount for the book), we left and headed outside
Times Square where there was a speech by some proffesional photographer that looks Japanese but sounded as if he's from Hong Kong.
His speech was so boring Jun Kit grabbed my camera and started snapping pictures of the reuseable bag:
After he gave his speech, he and some other people(God-knows-who) had to judge.
Guess how long they took??
One hour longer than estimated!!
They were supposed to start giving out prizes at 7 p.m and let us off by 8.
But. They gave out the prizes at 8 and let us off at 9 instead!
And what did we do during that time?
Sit on the floor outside Times Square,
crapping while listening to the Canon theme song play again and again in the background, which started to get really annoying
(Jun Kit thinks that Canon is trying to hypnotise us with the song).
Imagine listening to this again and again:
"Fall in love, with Canon you can."
Gawwd.. The song is stuck in my head again! Shut Up!
And my camera ran out of battery so..
there was nothing to do but whine and moan bout my tired legs and complain bout Canon
while Jun Kit crapped his sanity out of his skull and complain bout Canon.
Finally, when they anounced the winners for the compact category we boo-ed some of the people.
(There was one person, he arranged the leaves on the ground and spelled the words
"Canon Goes Green" on the ground.
So I shouted "Cheat!" at the guy when he went on stage to claim his prize.
Don't worry. No one seemed to have heard me 'cause everyone was being noisy)
After they are done giving prizes away to(undeserving) winners of the compact category, we left and had dinner at Purple Cane restaurant.
(Yeah, I ate with Jun Kit's family)
(and absolutely embarrassed myself during the dinner. Don't ask.)
Okayy! Signing off with love,