Yes. I have run so dry of inspiration I titled this blogpost "Updates".

It's annoying to have two younger siblings(who have too much energy for their own good) to finish their exam and be in a post-exam mood. 'cause:
1. Their energy is contagious and I feel like having fun, too.
2. I can't be in that mood 'cause my exam just started and I'm supposed to be more diligent now.
3. UGH.

Had Chinese paper today.
Did the 1st question for Section A and the 1st question, too for Section B.
I didn't have a choice in Section A 'cause I studied only the format of choice 1. 
For Section B, I didn't have much of a choice, too.
'cause choice 2 - 5 are factual. And my incredibly crappish mind can't think of any points.
So I did question 1. Where I can write my crap. =D

I said something really wrong today. But it's completely accidental.
Not gonna tell you even though it'll crack you up. 
'Cause it's SO embarrassing. Ugh.

I can't understand what's wrong with me..
Why am I blogging more frequently when I have exam than when I don't have it?
I make no sense lar. 

I hate it that my blog posts are now so short and lacking of spice.
Too tired 'cause of exam?
It's not as if there's nothing much going on in my life.
But.. it's just so top secret I don't wanna tell. =)

Just one note: 
1. I'm getting friggin' polluted. 
2. I miss my innocent self.
3. I know it's better for me to know but.. I still do miss innocent me.
4. Am twittering now.
5. I want to hear JK sing
6. I look forward to the day when JK finds his love. =D
(JK: rmemeber to tell Cher and I bout it. haha)
7. Am in love. =DD
8. Watched the Nanny!
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