As promised, Elaine, I titled this post I'm a Wacko. Lol.

What happened was.. Mel and JK was trying to figure out what person I am. 
JK was saying I'm not exactly all that bitchy.
Mel thinks I'm just incredibly hyper. 
Then, she thinks I resemble a seal. =.=
Finally, they settled on me being a wacko. =.='
I can't say that's completely wrong because I am pretty wacky. 
I just hope that... They meant it in a positive way. 

Okay.. what have I been up to?
I remixed a religious song.. I'm not sure if it's a song.. but. It's religious. And I remixed it into a poem for Mag Inc. =D
Andy's reaction was "What the hell?!" 
And he only read the first four lines:

Lord I lift your name up high,
Lord I know that I can't rhyme.
But, even if it takes much time,
For you, and only you, I shall try.

I can't remember the rest of my poem cause like JK said, it's long.
And I don't have the paper with me. It's with Wei Ken.
(He said it was BRILLIANT =DDD)

Chemistry was easy today. It's the most relaxed day I have in the whole two weeks of exam.

I seriously wanna watch Angels and Demons.
My dad says he wants to take us to watch that movie, too(it took him months to finish the book).
And I have to watch Confessions of A SHopaholic A.S.A.P. 
I've been saying that for so long but I haven't done it.
I should convince my parents to get me the DVD.

I look forward to going to the Nature Lovers' Camp this Friday.
It'd be like a mini holiday.
OMG... TWO more days till freedom. two more..
Ugh. I haven't start packing my stuff yet. I haven't even figured out what I haven't got. Argh!

Oh and.. A suposed heartbreak was to happen this week.. But. It didn't. =)
I'm still whole and happy and I feel lots better than.. before.
It's like I unclogged a drain and the water can flow again.
(Believe me, when the drain was clogged, it felt as if there was a tsunami-worth of wave crushing on me.)
It feels so fresh. 
And now that I don't pour all my sunshine down on that one person, I have more energy for others. =D 

I think I'll stop here.
Love, zeeeeeee

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