Exams are coming in like... less than a week. 
For me lar. cause I'm taking Chinese. 

It kinda suck 'cause (quoted from Oom Yin) :

"The exam time table is like double last year's size, you know!!!"

Yes, I know. I think everyone's noticed that. 
And that's really crap 'cause I don't even have the time to finish my homework all ready and now I have to do this ??? 
Ugh. To hell with it.

Oh, by the way, Gratz to Miss Lok on GETTING MARRIED!!!! 
Too bad she didn't invite 4 Pentium...
Can't blame her either 'cause our classmates will make the whole wedding chaotic.
I can so imagine it. 

Anywayyy.. Bye. =)
Gotta hit the books.

Love, zeeeeeee
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