The school intends to starve us!!!
Can you believe it??
They are actually making those who are taking Chinese stay behind till 3 p.m WITHOUT LUNCH!
Hah! Would work really well for me 'cause I intend to lose the extra pounds I gained throughout the holidays.
But, gosh, hate having my stomach empty from 6.20 a.m till 3 p.m!
(That's right. I'm not eating during recess!)

*sigh* I also cannot believe that my Add Math teacher is not back from her holidays, my Chemistry teacher is not showing up and I have three periods of physics in a row on Thursday! My God. Shocking much...
Plus, I really hate school now 'cause there's wayyy too many relieve classes 'cause of the teachers' abcenses. I want to learn!

I actually felt like going to one of the pure science classes to sit in on their Bio lessons due to my boredom.

My gosh. I am that bored I actually wanted to sit in on a Bio lesson. That equals suicide!
(Fine. It doesn't but I'm saying a lot of crazy stuff right now so why not throw in something crazier?)

One more thing. I was going to e-mail the file my IT teacher asked my class to find and guess what? I got a "Delivery status - failed" e-mail. Ugh!

Oh. Wait. Good news is, I get to read a storybook every Friday in English!
I know that's a super nerdy thing to say but I really love reading.
I would have married Sidney Sheldon if he wasn't that old( ,dead..) and married 'cause I love his stories.
Since Sidney isn't available, I can also marry Jeffrey Archer or Deaver.
(Are they married? How old are they?)
Ooh!! Or even Christopher Paolini!

Okay! Just kidding! I'm not desperate.
Just awfully bored.
That's why I'm crapping and these craps aren't close to my usual quality craps...

Anyway. I'm signing off. I'm going to have a nap or something. Blahhh.
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