Seriously. I do realize CNY is starting but I'm all ready fed-up with the CNY songs my brother keep playing.
I have to hear the same songs at least three times a day and the whole disc is 45 minutes long.

The worst thing is, it kept going "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and stuff like "wishing you'll get rich this year".
My God. This is the economic crisis and they still have the heart to actually mention money in songs.
And how in the world are you getting rich now considering the fact that most of the biggest banks are going down
and the smaller businesses are in two situations: Bankrupt. Or in danger of being bankrupt.
Plus, people are getting fired and pay-cuts.
That includes us children who will be getting "angpow-cut"s this Chinese New Year.

But geez, CNY is about reunions right?

One other thing I hate about CNY is how the "aunty"s will start about how great her sons or daughter is.
It sucks. Big time.
For one thing, it's a bore to listen to them go on and on about their children like they have no life.
The other thing is, it's like their children are Gods and other children are plain worthless.

Oh, and the really hilarious thing about going back to Johor,my mother's hometown, is that once I step through the door, my grandma(and grandaunts) will say,"Zhi Yi!! You grow taller again!!" and "And fatter, too!" or "Why so thin?? Never eat??"
I wonder how they notice the few millimetres I gain since last year.
And geez, I don't feel any fatter or thinner at all.
(Ookayyy.. Besides the fact that I did notice I grew rounder after the holidays but I'm working it off!!)
(Pretty pointless, though, cause I'm putting them back during CNY anyway..)

Oh well, have fun this CNY! Don't ask for too many angpows...

zeeeeeee =)
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