I used to think that term as rude but I won't complain about it because it's so funny.
But now, I truly agree that Twilight fanatics should be known as that.

I reread the whole series for the second time because I was craving a good read.
Well, Twilight Saga is a good read...
But. It's just nauseatingly sick.

In the first two books, I was pretty okay with it because there wasn't such a huge amount of kissing and racing heartbeats..
Fine, there was a huge amount of those two and more but it was bearable.
But when I got to the third book...
I felt like throwing up half way through it.

I hate Bella.
I think she's just.. weak
I do not understand how a girl can just decide that she can't live without a person.
It's stupid. Not to mention, overly romantic.
Girls are supposed to like be pass that level now.
Why should you be so friggin dependable on a guy??
And I hate the part where she goes all:
"He's like a pagan god",
"No matter how many times I look at him, his beauty will always catch me off guard just like the first time",
"I can't believe he's mine",
"You would think that I would have got over this by now"


I totally do not understand how I got through the four books without feeling like this the first time.

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