I don't believe this.
This cannot happen.

How can we lose?
How the hell could we have lost NiE: C4R?
This is completely wrong.

We have very beautiful posters.
Even our teacher said our posters are so much better than the Grand Finalists'.
Something you would have fell in love with.

If you are a girl,
our posters would be a sizzling hot guy
that you would love to shag.

If you are a guy,
our posters would be a Pussycat Dolls member
(You know what I mean).

So, basically, our posters are
- I don't say this very often 'cause I'm a nerd -
(So, you see, coming from me that is a lot),

judges:Re-check C3(cube) JR of SMK USJ 12's entry.

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