I love coffee.
Which is the reason I decided to dedicate a post to coffee.

About a week ago, I ran out of 3-in-1 coffee.
I don't know how to make my own coffee.
Considering the fact that I'm a coffee-addict,
that was very unacceptable.

Anyway, I spent my week pretty depressed because of my lack of coffee.

Let me explain.
I wrote this in my previous blog, but I'm repeating it.

There is nothing, let me say this again-nothing, a mug of coffee cannot cure.
A mug of coffee is all I need to be energized and hyper throughout the day.

Let's make it simple.
Is the ultimate God-drink in Cham Zhi Yi's life.

PS: Every thing's okay again 'cause my dad finally decided to teach me how to make my own coffee.

PPS: The word 'coffee' is starting to look strange to my eyes.

PPPS: Note to self : never over-write/type the word 'coffee'.
1 Response
  1. lol! you like coffee? wow... i just can't bring myself to like it. Its bitter isn't it? hmm, maybe milk will make it sweeter... but then what's the point? i might as well drink milo... mmm :D

    yup, that happens A LOT. just think, u're doing english essay, and u've been writing this word over and over again, and it just looks weirder and weirder. and worst still, its by hand, so u don have that automatic spellchecker like u do on the computer... oh dear oh dear ^^"

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