No photos on Hot Cat Tour here. LOL.

I brought my camera to KDU actually but I didn't take any photos cause there wasn't really time for it and when there is time for it, I wasn't in the mood.

The race was FUN! Got through the first couple of rounds and ended up in the finals.
Was actually progressing really well up till the stage of Table -setting where we had to fold fancy napkins for the table.
We lost to freaking napkins. LOL.
But what matters is that we had fun.
And on the bright side, we were actually in the finals. LOL.
*crap* Hotel City's not loading.
super hope that our team can get the first prize for the video category.
I think we did pretty well and we kinda stand a chance.
*crosses fingers*

Woohoo! Canteen Day's coming up.
Am hating certain people for being bias bout the whole thing but it doesn't matter cause my class is set to impress everyone.

I'm kinda hating life now.
Maybe, just maybe, I'm making my choices all wrong left, right and center
but I'm gonna just let it be cause the choice are made and I should just flow with it now.
What I want now is for everything to be balanced so that I can achieve everything I want and need to achieve.

One. May Exam to be excellent.
Two. Mag Inc to be a success.
Three. Pull through the Art subject with an A(+)
Four. Breathe.
Five. Live.
Six. Thin.
Seven. Figure out my calling in life.

zeeeeeee *wishes*
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