Immediately after saying that to Jun Kit, I felt like a child.
But, still, it was the sincerest, truest wish I've ever had - for him to stay my best friend forever and ever and ever.

He's the only person who has succeeded in making me look good in pictures.
He cracks me up every five seconds.
He never really mind when I stole music from his phone. XD
He's the best-est graphic designer.
He's the best-est photographer.
He's the only person I'm ever jealous of. Hahahah.
He's currently learning Aussie accent off of Youtube.
He loves Venetian Princess and Chris Crocker.
I owe him a Starbucks frappucino.
He set an explosion to my love life after he found out about it.
He's the person whom I got in the biggest fight in my life with.
He's the boss.
He's mah best friend.

He's Mr. Chang Jun Kit.

JK, I'm the luckiest Personal Assistant on earth to have a boss like you. And I'll always be here for you just like how you are always here for me. Happy Birthday. =D

With all my love,
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